Cant get my Medical Certificae because of ignorant doctor!

Update 3-11-19
The FAA no longer issues medical certificates for “student purposes only”. I have raised my status to priority airmen by calling so much. The government shut down slowed things up but since reopening i have not had things move a whole lot faster. The FAA sent a letter saying i needed a letter from my orthopedic doctor stating my limitations if any. I provided the letter and I am waiting on the FAA to get back with me. They are trying to schedule a flight test. My deliema is i cant fly. I only have about an hour in the air. How can i test when i cant get someone to train me because i dont have a medical certificate? I have taken a deep breath and buckled down as this has been a roller coaster ride with no end in sight thus far. Im prepared for the ride and I’m sticking it out.
Keep doing what you're doing. I'm glad to see you're taking a deep breath! Honestly, it's seems like it's taking forever, but you'll look back on this in the future and it will be a small bump in the road.

You used the word ignorant and many people confuse that with the word stupid. Ignorance is not a bad thing, it means they don't know something, not that they're incapable of learning. Use your experience to help others with your same limitations going forward.

I went through something similar when I had renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer). The FAA was ignorant about this disease and the effects. I simply had part of the kidney removed through cryoablation. I had no chemo, no drugs, essentially nothing that should prevent me from flying. By having my doctor, who was a professor at Johns Hopkins, reach out to the FAA and help to educate them, we helped others going through this. I know it's frustrating now, but ultimately, do something good with it.
Train through to solo signoff. You will not be able to solo, but that prepares you to ride with the Inspector, also a CFI.

If you can't find a CFI to do that, wrong CFI. If your AME didn't provide the detailed description (or in my case, I exercise my CFI certificate)...wrong AME. IF you don't stick it out through to the solo sign off (which you are really going to do in the presence of the inspector)...wrong pilot candidate.

C'mon, you CAN do this.
"There is no try. There is only "do"".
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Used to be a guy at the NTSB who had been an Eastern pilot back in the day before losing his arm completely. He managed to get his first class back but it wasn't really practical for him to go back to flying for the airline.
My buddy who worked with him said it was really neat watching him fly the big simulators with only one arm. It was only really crazy when someone handed it over to him completely out of trim and then it was quite a chore for him to get it back but he could do it.
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