Can't get away...


Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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...from those darn cropdusters.

I worked ground crew for a crop duster in central Iowa for 3 years. After a mediocre summer 2 years ago, I had to convince myself to quit chasing spray planes around the midwest and get a 'real' full-time job. I've been doing my current job -- operating ground based spray equipment and fert spreaders -- for about 1.75 years now. I went to work this morning looking forward to a long day of getting ready for facility inspections coming up next week. yay. When I walk in the door, the boss says "Get your pilots license ready - you're staying at the airport today!" Apparently a mass of bean leaf beetles has struck central Iowa, and our site had 4,000 acres of spraying ready to do overnight. Being that I had experience with airplanes and especially spray planes, they decided to send me to the airport with a semi full of water and chemical.

No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get away from those darn cropdusters. Looks like the rest of the week will be full of long days sitting at the airport. *sigh* It is the burden I bear. :D


P.S. Don't worry Tony, I'm taking my IR book to read tomorrow. :)
where are they flying out of and what area are they working? always is fun to watch.
tonycondon said:
where are they flying out of and what area are they working? always is fun to watch.

Flying out of Boone. Mostly working south of Ogden. In that general area. Right now it's just Ralph Storm flying, but we might get swamped and have to pull an extra plane or two in. Not sure yet. Looks like we'll be there through Friday at least.

wesleyj said:
If you cant beat them, join them, crop dusting can be a very interesting and lucrative learning experiance.

Don't worry - the thought has crossed my mind.. More than once...

When I called my cropduster boss to tell him that I had taken this new job last year, he said "Heck, you should just get your Comm and come fly for me!" I thought "Great.. You tell me that is an option AFTER I take another job!"

I'm planning on going back to school in January and when I was just calling my old boss to chit-chat earlier this season, he said "Well, if you need a place to work in the summer, PLEASE give us a call!" He said they are thinking about getting a non-turbine plane for his son - who is the same age as me - to get started in aerial spraying. I might try to work it out to get a few trips in that. ;)

There have been crop dusters spraying fields near the Ottumwa airport for the last few weeks or so; they always trick me, thinking that they are on final, but they keep turning and go back down.