Can I fly after trigeminal mvd?

  • Thread starter Tired of Not Working
  • Start date

Tired of Not Working

I had a microvascular decompression of the trigeminal nerve a few months ago. I’m completely healed, no side effects, and ready to return to work. My first class medical is not due until January. Can I resume commercial flying now and deal with the FAA’s deferral and so on once I’m ready to renew my medical? Can I even let the medical step down to a second class along with stepping down to FO to keep working until the second class needs renewal?
Or is it best to rip the bandage off and get into the FAA’s queue now, knowing I can’t even get back in to see my neurologist until maybe February? Will a neurosurgeon qualify to do any of the testing and reports as I can get in to see the surgeon a lot faster than the neurologist? Should I try to find a neurologist that’s quicker to get into or one of the FAA neuro consultants?
If you require no medicines, just go back to sim.....this is not not a huge deal if you are off of the meds.