Camp Scholler, live and learn.

Gary Ward

PoA Supporter
Jan 16, 2020
Cincinnati, Ohio
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We have only been to Airventure twice before with 2018 being the last time here.
We have used our RV towing a car trailer with my wife s car on it the first 2 trips.

This trip we decided we didn’t need the car so didn’t have to hassle with it.

Then I decided we should take a small trailer and a ATV to use in addition to our bikes.

But like a dumazz I read the campground rules. Oh **** no motorized mini bikes, one wheels or skate boards and the like?
My wife said I was wrong ahead of time and she was right. We even looked at pictures from 2018 and saw many golf carts. But I was afraid of breaking the rules and didn’t bring the small trailer.

None of the guidelines or rules are enforced. Which I am alright with.

just wish I had asked here before going.
We miss having a car or a ATV would have been great. And on top of that my wife volunteered for Weds and Friday which seems like it would justify the ATV since she does have to get to the theater in the woods which is a good ride from the campground.

There is every motorized vehicle known to man here as most of you know!!

Lol live and learn!!
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But like a dumazz I read the campground rules. Oh **** no motorized mini bikes, one wheels or skate boards and the like?
My wife said I was wrong ahead of time and she was right. We even looked at pictures from 2018 and saw many golf carts. But I was afraid of breaking the rules and didn’t bring the small trailer.

None of the guidelines or rules are enforced. Which I am alright with.
Man... I was so sure you must have been looking at the rules for the show grounds that I went and looked up the Camp Scholler rules, which do in fact state:
  • Unlicensed motorized vehicles including motorbikes, motor scooters, or motorcycles are prohibited.
  • Roller-skating, skateboarding, rollerblading, or use of self-balancing scooters is prohibited.
I don't know why, but that's utterly hilarious to me. There are eBikes, one wheels, motorcycles, scooters, Segways, hoverboards, and the occasional gas-engined recliner or couch. Hell, there's a 747 engine nacelle on wheels and an ornithopter that make appearances every year!

And EAA at one point even had a competition for the craziest campground vehicles.

I think if they actually enforced these rules, attendance would drop by half. :rofl:
I am an idiot, should have listened to my wife. I forgot what it was like 5 years ago last time here.

Yea like said everything under the sun is here, battery and gas powered getting along great.