California Chrome


Ejection Handle Pulled
Feb 23, 2008
Conway, MO
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Will win today...That's my bet!

I love watching the ponies run.
I'll be watching too.
I'm sure the owners are pretty happy with how far that horse took them. For ten grand and some oats, they beat all the odds. Pretty amazing.
That one owner sure didn't seem happy during the post race interview.
That horse was robbed, and I think the owner has a legit gripe. I'm not expert on the racing biz, but I've watched plenty of races to know when some of the jockeys decided to obstruct. I'm guessing the jockeys decided that Cal Chrome didn't have the pedigree for the triple crown, and decided to hold the racing line. It was a slow race, and from the middle of the back stretch, all the way to the exit of the 4th turn those three horse were within half length the whole way. Thoroughbreds aren't bred that way, the jockey has to hold them like that.

I'm sure I'll take some flak for it, but go watch the race again, and then tell me I'm wrong. I would have at least left it 'unofficial' until I could get each jockey in a room and have a little mano-a-mano time.
That horse was robbed, and I think the owner has a legit gripe. I'm not expert on the racing biz, but I've watched plenty of races to know when some of the jockeys decided to obstruct. I'm guessing the jockeys decided that Cal Chrome didn't have the pedigree for the triple crown, and decided to hold the racing line. It was a slow race, and from the middle of the back stretch, all the way to the exit of the 4th turn those three horse were within half length the whole way. Thoroughbreds aren't bred that way, the jockey has to hold them like that.

I'm sure I'll take some flak for it, but go watch the race again, and then tell me I'm wrong. I would have at least left it 'unofficial' until I could get each jockey in a room and have a little mano-a-mano time.

Can the established breeding industry allow such and upset ? I think not.
News today shows an injury to CC's leg
He got a cut on his leg coming out of the shoot, from was I heard on the radio.

The bitching by the owner after the race was classless, and brought disgrace to a legendary animal.
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He got a cut on his leg coming out of the shoot, from was I heard on the radio.

The bitching by the owner after the race was classless, and brought disgrace to a legendary animal.

Guess he thought he was entitled to the Triple Crown.
That horse was robbed, and I think the owner has a legit gripe. I'm not expert on the racing biz, but I've watched plenty of races to know when some of the jockeys decided to obstruct. I'm guessing the jockeys decided that Cal Chrome didn't have the pedigree for the triple crown, and decided to hold the racing line. It was a slow race, and from the middle of the back stretch, all the way to the exit of the 4th turn those three horse were within half length the whole way. Thoroughbreds aren't bred that way, the jockey has to hold them like that.

I'm sure I'll take some flak for it, but go watch the race again, and then tell me I'm wrong. I would have at least left it 'unofficial' until I could get each jockey in a room and have a little mano-a-mano time.

I didn't see it, but the Belmont is a long race. It isn't unusual for jocks to save some horse for the finish. If there was obstruction going on, you ould be sure there would be a steward's inquiry.

I believe the only horse ever to post the fastest split for the last two furlongs was Secretariat. He was running fastest at the end of the race, and still accelerating.

Chrome's a nice boy, but he's no Big Red. OTOH, I think the owner has a point about entering spoilers. Kinda sucks to put a fresh horse in there for no other reason than to try and deny a real contender a legitimate TC win. Can't blame him for being emotional about that.
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He got a cut on his leg coming out of the shoot, from was I heard on the radio.

The bitching by the owner after the race was classless, and brought disgrace to a legendary animal.

By the owner's logic, his horse would have been the only one racing, since no other animal could even have a chance of winning the triple crown.. Poor sportsmanship and lacking class...