

PoA Supporter
Jun 7, 2008
Indian Hills Airpark Salome, AZ
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The current EAA magazine has an article on C-170's which brought to mind a memory. In 1956 My older brother wanted me to take him and his wife flying--he was paying. I called up a young lady I had previously taken flying, and off we went to Whiteman Air Park in Southern California.

They entrusted me with N3534C a C-170B that stilled smelled new. Off we went into the blue. My brother and wife in back, and me and my gal pal in front.

After some time chasing after wispy cloud fragments my brother informed me that his wife was feeling poorly. While on final, another plane turned inside me forcing a go-around. Another try and guess what, my sister-in-law gave up the struggle and upchucked and upchucked and etc!

Upon landing my brother was too busy taking care of his ill wife to help me. My Gal Pal? You gotta be kidding me! The chap who ran the FBO was livid.:mad: Me? I wasn't very happy either.:(

I learned a lesson, to this day I have never had another passenger get sick on me. (Knock on wood) And I never had another 170 in my log book I'm sad to say.

N3534C still exists today> I wonder if it still smells bad.

Salome, AZ.
The company I got my PPL with also runs a very busy scenic flight business, and there were quite a few times I walked onto the ramp to find my CFI begrudgingly trudging around the plane with paper towels and a can of Lysol lol.

Thankfully I haven't had a puker yet, but always have a stash of barf bags in my flight bag :)
5 years ago my oldest daughter (9 at the time) lost her lunch while I was on final to PHX.

We were flying in from Santa Fe and she had started feeling queasy during the descent over the mountains. She was sitting next to me in the front seat and she says: “daddy, I just threw up”. I looked over and sure enough, she was covered. Not a whole lot I could do at that point other than land the plane.
Mrs. Steingar gets green around the gills, but she still flies with me bless her heart. We have the little bracelet thingie and it works on her.