Buying a new airplane


Line Up and Wait
Oct 15, 2015
Walla Walla. WA
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After owning my 182A for over 8 years it's time to pass her over to a new owner. The 182 is under contract & should close within 10 days or so. I'm a little sad to see it go. It's been a good reliable airplane. With the STOL kit it made a great towplane for the glider operation I used to own. When Covid hit we closed our soaring business, sold our L-23 Blanik & kept the 182. I don't fly it much (28 hours last year) so I can't justify owning it anymore. I'm a chief flight instructor for a two operation FBO & I fly around 800 hours a year so buzzing around in the 182 just doesn't appeal to my anymore.

In with the new. I'm in the process of closing on a low hour Husky A1-B. It's full IFR with a Garmin 650 so I can use it for my own IFR currency & explore some of the remote airstrips in the Idaho wilderness just a few miles east. I think owning the Husky will be much more appealing to me. I'm a little rusty with my tailwheel time so it will be great to get me feeling more current. If all goes well with the Husky I plan to lease it back the FBO I'm employed with & offer tailwheel & mountain flying instruction. After 52 years flying I'm excited to have a fun airplane to knock around in.
tailwheel leaseback, what could go wrong? I keed, congrats on the pivot. I'm hoping to do a similar thing (acro EAB in my case) within the next few years to get me out of the prior funk. Life is like the year, it's all about enjoying the seasons, as change is inevitable. Cheers!