business organizational chart

So here is what happens
Old head of engineering (owner) decided he did not to do that that any more. He promoted one of the engineers to head new product engineering. That new head came straight out and said if the manufacturing engineer reported to him and his budget, there would be no motivation to help production. In other words he thought it made sense for the manufacturing engineer to report to production.
With the change there are now even more people directly reporting to me then just the manufacturing engineer. Not really what I was going for. Now I get to train a few supervisor to help relieve some of my work.
So here is what happens
Old head of engineering (owner) decided he did not to do that that any more. He promoted one of the engineers to head new product engineering. That new head came straight out and said if the manufacturing engineer reported to him and his budget, there would be no motivation to help production. In other words he thought it made sense for the manufacturing engineer to report to production.
With the change there are now even more people directly reporting to me then just the manufacturing engineer. Not really what I was going for. Now I get to train a few supervisor to help relieve some of my work.

Haha. No good deed goes unpunished.

Sounds like someone trusts you to do the right things, so you get to "enjoy" some extra work and responsibilities.

Here's hoping you can leverage it into a raise commensurate with your expanded duties. Or at least some stock options if your workplace has such things.

Nothing like equity to keep it all tied to whether or not you actually succeed.