Brook - PotW


Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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nice work on making the roundup this week. It must be 'lighter than air' week on Avweb. several balloon pictures from Albuquerque, and the Goodyear Blimp

nice work on making the roundup this week. It must be 'lighter than air' week on Avweb. several balloon pictures from Albuquerque, and the Goodyear Blimp

Thank you Tony. Yeah...I thought about it being "LTA" week after I hit the send button. Glad they liked it enough to add it to the PoW roundup. :)
The Balloon Fiesta was amazing this year. Unfortunately, I only made it once, but it was worth it, when the weather actually cooperated. Stupid wind. Great pic, as always, Brook.
Thank you Nick. I would LOVE to make it to the Balloon Fiesta one year. I am thinking of going to the Statesville, NC ralley on the 25th.

Eliz... Check out Then scroll down to the picture part (on the right hand side) and there are a few photos. Browse through them. I think the one that actually made PoW was a pretty interesting shot.
Eliz... Check out Then scroll down to the picture part (on the right hand side) and there are a few photos. Browse through them. I think the one that actually made PoW was a pretty interesting shot.
That's a very nice shot Brook.