Broke my finger and need HELP.....


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
I don't have a surgeon. I broke my finger again. Last time was maybe 20 years ago. But I broke it again and am in pain if I bump it at all. If anyone can send me some opiates so I can function a bit better that would be great.
I can just guess which finger, and from there extrapolate why someone broke it.
Actually, I was out excavating the hangar which had 3 feet of ice buildup against the hangar door. While slamming the shovel (actual dirt digging shovel) into the Lambert Glacier, my right little finger was on the back of the shovel handle rather than around it and when the shovel made an immediate stop, my hand and subsequently the finger did not.
"3-feet of ice"... :eek:

We Texans are wimps... we get a forecast of a possible inch of ice and they shut down the entire state.
Are you right handed or left handed? If you're left handed I'd recommend you just have the little finger removed. Henning can explain how to remove it easily with garden clippers and a blow torch to cauterize the wound. If you're right handed then the situation is more complex. I would recommend a funding web site in that case.
I don't have a surgeon. I broke my finger again. Last time was maybe 20 years ago. But I broke it again and am in pain if I bump it at all. If anyone can send me some opiates so I can function a bit better that would be great.

Colorado has a slightly different offering for pain, but everyone frowns on making it available to folks who are out of state....sorry

I do have a couple of really nice aspirin I can send you...and maybe even an Aleve if you promise to behave and not share it with anyone.
"3-feet of ice"... :eek:

We Texans are wimps... we get a forecast of a possible inch of ice and they shut down the entire state.

We got a bunch of show which was all sitting on the roof. It warmed up a little, and the snow started to wetten and get heavier. When it did, it all slid off the roof in front of the hangar door and then compacted, increasing its density even further. Then the temperatures plunged to below zero again and froze it solid.
I do have a couple of really nice aspirin I can send you...and maybe even an Aleve if you promise to behave and not share it with anyone.
And remember to report that you were taking drugs on your next medical.
We got a bunch of show which was all sitting on the roof. It warmed up a little, and the snow started to wetten and get heavier. When it did, it all slid off the roof in front of the hangar door and then compacted, increasing its density even further. Then the temperatures plunged to below zero again and froze it solid.

Having met you... I'm surprised you used a shovel... I would more likely expect some 50-grain det cord. Or a propane torch....
Having met you... I'm surprised you used a shovel... I would more likely expect some 50-grain det cord. Or a propane torch....

Det cord would have probably ruined the door. The specific heat of water coupled with it needing a phase change to go away, it would take way too long. Plus, it would have probably damaged the door.
Det cord, + fuzed caps, + Jagermeister, + discarded store mannequins = a very hazardous situation. (This I know from personal experience.)
Det cord, + fuzed caps, + Jagermeister, + discarded store mannequins = a very hazardous situation. (This I know from personal experience.)


I assume the store mannequins were Asian ???:dunno:......:D
Sounds like you did not do a JSA before starting work. If you had you would have realized that it was the wrong tool for the job. You should have rented a jack hammer...or a bobcat...
Gotta get right on that stuff or things go bad, appendages could get damaged.

I assume the store mannequins were Asian ???:dunno:......:D

Nope, if they were, they would have ended up in the barracks. How they managed to get transported from some department store in Frankfurt to the blasting range I have no idea, but they just kind of showed up there.

Oh by the way, if you need to cut a tree down, five wraps of cord usually does the trick nicely.
How about just some dope....since we can just walk into the store and buy it here in Washington!
Actually, I was out excavating the hangar which had 3 feet of ice buildup against the hangar door. While slamming the shovel (actual dirt digging shovel) into the Lambert Glacier, my right little finger was on the back of the shovel handle rather than around it and when the shovel made an immediate stop, my hand and subsequently the finger did not.

To "set" the break just go to the mall and say "hey kid help me out here ,pull my finger would ya"
Duct tape /popsickle stick is all you need,about a month you're all better.
You should have listened when your dad told you to get your thumb out of your a&& and get to work. Just sayin'...