Boston trip

Katama sounds fun, but not the right time to be doing my first grass landing.

They keep it very well maintained.

Its easier to land there then paved runways. Wider, very smooth. Nothing to worry about. Just treat it like any other runway.

Yep...I did my first grass landing there a few years ago. Very, very easy- and it's one of the longest grass runways in the states. Total non-event, other than the coolness factor of course.
Thank you for the correction regarding Massport. I suppose then KOWD were just being greedy then. I've not had any issues with the controllers or car rental either, only the FBO. For the record, I fly into Worcester all the time and have never has an issue there.
Was it the FBO (Flightlevel) that wanted to charge the fee? It's not like the airport has restricted hours or anything, but the FBO is the way to get onto the field if you don't have a security pass. It's been a few years since I was there and I don't remember the reason there isn't a gate code for transient pilots.
Because airplanes are dangerous or something.
Well, this is why it sucks being a VFR only pilot. Weather out to Boston looks ok this week. Coming home, not so much. :( Looks like we might be driving instead.
Dunno about the gate code, but they've had the rental delivered to the plane for me and I'm pretty sure I took it back out to load up when I departed.