Boston Strong

There was nothing Strong about Boston's response. Then or now. We are still wallowing in Victimtood and >99.99% of us weren't even affected.


  • poster mbta.jpg
    poster mbta.jpg
    66 KB · Views: 60
There was nothing Strong about Boston's response. Then or now. We are still wallowing in Victimtood and >99.99% of us weren't even affected.

Come to Boston and try that altitude.

I dare you.
Come to Boston and try that altitude.

I dare you.
I live 30 miles South of Boston. Boston's response was and continues to be cowardly. To celebrate the anniversary they should order everyone to stay in their houses have a military parade through Watertown.:lol:
A good way to observe the one year anniversary would be to march the little rag head out to Boston Commons and hang him from a good strong limb, on national TV.
A good way to observe the one year anniversary would be to march the little rag head out to Boston Commons and hang him from a good strong limb, on national TV.
Nah, that is what the British would've done.:nono:
A good way to observe the one year anniversary would be to march the little rag head out to Boston Commons and hang him from a good strong limb, on national TV.

Agreed..... 100%...

I will even buy the rope...

And the first round of drinks too...:cheers:......:cheerswine:
There was nothing Strong about Boston's response. Then or now. We are still wallowing in Victimtood and >99.99% of us weren't even affected.

Would expect nothing less from your post.
Originally Posted by ClimbnSink
There was nothing Strong about Boston's response. Then or now. We are still wallowing in Victimtood and >99.99% of us weren't even affected.

Would expect nothing less from your post.

Seeing how 3 people died in car wrecks nationawide in the time it took to post this, I say we address the largest killer among Americans...
Would expect nothing less from your post.
Thank you. I am glad you appreciate my rational common sense and disdain for the we're all weak victims, thank god for the heroic(though failed) police invasion of a harmless suburb muckity muck.
Originally Posted by ClimbnSink
There was nothing Strong about Boston's response. Then or now. We are still wallowing in Victimtood and >99.99% of us weren't even affected.

Seeing how 3 people died in car wrecks nationawide in the time it took to post this, I say we address the largest killer among Americans...

Been saying that for a long time. We don't even require folks show basic competence other than to parallel park, and use a turn signal, and they're never re-tested and forget how to do both, immediately.

Let me know when licensure includes hitting the skid pad... That'll be fun.
Agreed..... 100%...

I will even buy the rope...

And the first round of drinks too...:cheers:......:cheerswine:

I think I have said this before; if you use a rope made from hemp, you are not using any petrochemicals, and the tree is not harmed, so that form of justice is very environmentally friendly.
Was it an intentional hoax or someone walking home with a purchase and accosted by team america? Not the first time an innocent bag was blown up by the cops. Just nowadays we need to charge the person with something to save face for the state.

It appears it was intentional and it appears the guy should be taking medicine for mental illness.

One of the bags was a reporters filled with camera equipment, that person wasn't charged, this guy was a whackadoodle.
I hate to admit it but I agree with Greg on this one, albeit with a far more respectful, less arrogant, & less "wagging my dick in your face" attitude about it.

The reaction and resulting actions taken were far from "strong" but rather doubling down on my signature tag line.
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The Boston Strong stuff is about continuing to live our lives inspite of scumbags and terrorist. It's not about victimhood.

Sure, like everywhere else, we have idiots who are afraid of poptarts and quiver at the mere thought of guns or explosives. But I suggest that people who think Boston Strong is just victim hood, well, you don't know what you are talking about.
Did anyone hear Joe Biden's speech? "It was worth it." :eek: . If Bush or Cheney were to say that the press would have gone nuts.
I think I have said this before; if you use a rope made from hemp, you are not using any petrochemicals, and the tree is not harmed, so that form of justice is very environmentally friendly.

Hey! the computer you're using depends on those petrochemicals. Nothing wrong with petrochemicals.
The Boston Strong stuff is about continuing to live our lives inspite of scumbags and terrorist. It's not about victimhood.

Sure, like everywhere else, we have idiots who are afraid of poptarts and quiver at the mere thought of guns or explosives. But I suggest that people who think Boston Strong is just victim hood, well, you don't know what you are talking about.

I can't speak for anyone else but, in my case, when I say it was an embarrassment, I'm not referring to how the citizens reacted after the event. I'm referring to how the Authorities handled it. They doubled down on how the feds handled 9/11.
Did anyone hear Joe Biden's speech? "It was worth it." :eek: . If Bush or Cheney were to say that the press would have gone nuts.

So glad I don't watch that stuff. They must be happy they were able to put a large suburban city under martial law and call themselves heroes for doing so. Even though it failed.
Boston Strong.

As the police destroyed the 4th amendment and treated everyone in a neighborhood of Boston as a suspect and broke into their homes without permission.

BTW, Boston Strong would have been any of the citizens that were treated as third class criminals by the police department to take arms and shut the police down.

I consider the actual event to be Boston Weak.
I can't speak for anyone else but, in my case, when I say it was an embarrassment, I'm not referring to how the citizens reacted after the event. I'm referring to how the Authorities handled it. They doubled down on how the feds handled 9/11.

I would have said, "they doubled down, a hundred times over,"
To quote a Yankee fan, "Boston can't even win the world series gracefully." which pretty much says it all about the Boston Marathon. Sept 11th didn't make half this much noise and how many died? Let 's also remember that not long after the 9/11 episodes, ALL VIDEO of the events were off the TV. The Boston bombing was many days worth of LIVE tv AND now you cannot turn on the news today without seeing a repeat of the 2 bomb explosions or some story about a victim. A local station ran a whole day, live tv etelethon, for the One Fund, a Marathon charity on the 1 year anniversary.
It is the media that flames these brushfires. And if you follow the money, I'd bet, at least in the Boston markets, it brings in lots of money. Same as with all the BS we, non sports fans, had to endure when miracurously, the Sox won the world series.
The Boston Strong stuff is about continuing to live our lives inspite of scumbags and terrorist. It's not about victimhood.

Sure, like everywhere else, we have idiots who are afraid of poptarts and quiver at the mere thought of guns or explosives. But I suggest that people who think Boston Strong is just victim hood, well, you don't know what you are talking about.

Agree. They really don't.
Classy responses, folks.

Glad to say the only thing that tainted my pride in my hometown and the strength of the people who live in it was some of the **** you posted.