

Aug 1, 2007
Newark, NJ
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Been thinking for a while of a headset upgrade... my ancient Telex Air3000 is still doing fine, and I sure don't fly behind power much these days, but... a guy can think if he wants to.
Figured ANR would be a wise choice, although there are some very good passive sets out there nowadays.
Finally trying ANR, in a Stearman, no less, convinced me that I'd have to pay the extra dough for ANR. My ears are not what they used to be, and I'm not getting any younger. Besides, it is almost like magic- good ANR blocks only the nasty stuff. Engine sounds, etc. sound different, but clearer. I could swear I heard the rocker arms moving.

But money's tight, and as I said, not much power flying. So I wasn't ready to jump on anything new, until...

One of my part-time employers, whom I used to supervise in the field as a sub and is a friend, happens to be a Bose vendor/service provider (mostly retail sound systems). He'd asked me a while back what I thought of their new headset (X model)- I told him "all I know is it costs a thousand bucks". I'm pretty sure I sighed when I said it. :D

So next thing I know he's pulled some strings and hooked me up with a hard-to-get, one-time-only 30% discount and an E-Z, interest-free payment plan (deductions from paycheck)... couldn't pass that up!!!

Got my mitts on it today, and I'm dying to try it out in a plane! Very light, very comfy (the 3000, which I've always liked, is like a lead vise by comparison), more rugged than it looks, and in normal ambient situations, the ANR seems to work very well. It looks pretty good on me, too, and fits my head properly.

I don't recall exactly which headset I was using in the Stearman, but looking at mine, I now think it was probably the X.... if so, I know I will be very happy with it.

I don't think I can get this deal for anyone else, but if anyone wants to give me a ride, they can try it... if they wash behind their ears first. :D
Cool, when I got my 30-3 Gs i coudn't believe I waited so long to get the ANRs.

I do think you need to do some sealing on the 2-33 if you need the Bose in the glider :D
Cool, when I got my 30-3 Gs i coudn't believe I waited so long to get the ANRs.

I do think you need to do some sealing on the 2-33 if you need the Bose in the glider :D

It still isn't "tight" for sure, but no, I don't think I'll be using them in the 2-33.

:D Sure could have used them in the Bird Dog, though! :eek:
The loud, steady drone of the Mighty Lycoming O-145 may drive me to ANR...

But with that cash I could get new tires, new tailwheel assembly, new toolset, new... oh yeah, food, gas, heat...:D
There are cheaper alternatives in ANR... but I get your point.

But ask yourself-seriously- "what is my hearing worth?"

I don't want to lose my medical because of hearing damage... I want the doc to say "Cripes, I'm not even sure what's keeping you alive anymore! Get outta here, and take that walker with you!" :D
Been playing with it... the results of the "shop vac test" were encouraging.

With the (very noisy) vac running right next to me, all the low end and harsh mids go away; I can still hear some of the motor whine, but mostly all I can hear is the soft hiss of air being sucked in (something that's not very apparent without the ANR).
And if I speak while doing this, I can hear my voice pretty clearly (this is with the set unplugged, of course, but with the ANR turned on)... it sounds about the same as it would with the ANR (and the vacuum) shut off.

I'm an audio guy, so I know exactly how it works... but it's still like magic. :D
The noise reduction is nice. Wait 'til you pick up coms that other folks miss or hear as garbled. ANR (and maybe higher quality components) is worth the $$$.
Nice deal, lucky man.

Would you believe my Bose-Xs are my "special guest" headsets (usually for my boss, the missus) because I like my Lightspeed Zulus even more?!

Still, the Bose is a greeeeeaaat headset. You will be happy like you wouldn't believe. Lucky you!!!!!
Would you believe my Bose-Xs are my "special guest" headsets (usually for my boss, the missus) because I like my Lightspeed Zulus even more?!

I personally like the Bose better, but bought the Zulu. I can't bring myself to spend $1,000 on a headset, and the Zulu has better features (namely Bluetooth).

I've put about 60 hours behind the Zulu now. It is a very nice headset.
I personally like the Bose better, but bought the Zulu. I can't bring myself to spend $1,000 on a headset, and the Zulu has better features (namely Bluetooth).

I've put about 60 hours behind the Zulu now. It is a very nice headset.
Yeah, I was leaning towards the Zulu when pondering the upgrade... maybe that'll be the next back-up to replace the Telex.
Yeah, I was leaning towards the Zulu when pondering the upgrade... maybe that'll be the next back-up to replace the Telex.

It all depends on what you want. In my case, I had a hard enough time convincing myself to spend $850 on a headset that I use more than I use my truck. If I flew much less than I do, I would probably have a hard time justifying anything more than a 20xlc or an ANR DC. I'm also frugal by nature.