Boortz this morning....


Deleted by request
Apr 8, 2005
And what about immigration law? In a country based on the rule of law this should all be so very simple. They came here illegally. They remain here illegally. They work here illegally. Round them up, send them home. But remember this: There is no underlying concept of the rule of law working here. Certainly not with the illegals who have invaded our country, and, sadly, not with the people in this country who will promote their message. We are dealing with several generations of Americans who have not been taught that we are a government of law, rather that we are are government of people. More specifically, a government of the majority. I've been telling you for decades that teaching this historically-incorrect idea that the United States is a Democracy, a country of majority rule, was going to get us in a spot of trouble someday. Well, look outside. It's someday. Did you see those 500,000 Mexicans marching in Los Angeles yesterday? How many Americans did you see in that counter-demonstration calling for a simple enforcement of our immigration laws? None? Right! So, there's your rule of the mob vs. the rule of law working for you. Five hundred thousand Mexicans in Los Angeles want no enforcement of our immigration laws. Those opposed? Engrossed in March Madness. There's your democracy.

And this.....another subject sure to cheer some folks up!

Let's give credit where it is due here. Democrats and their media friends have done a spectacular job of creating a false reality in the minds of many Americans. Many Americans are now living in a world of make believe. They've been made to believe many things that just ain't so, and to discredit things that are.

The Democrats in elected office and in the media made them believe that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. He did. They made the voters believe that there was no connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda. There was. The left-wing media/political machine made the people believe that there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. The connection has been shown. The American people, thanks to the constant drumbeat of Democrats in the press and in public office, believe that there was no connection between Iraq and 9/11. There was.
F.W. Birdman said:
The Democrats in elected office and in the media made them believe that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. He did. They made the voters believe that there was no connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda. There was. The left-wing media/political machine made the people believe that there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. The connection has been shown. The American people, thanks to the constant drumbeat of Democrats in the press and in public office, believe that there was no connection between Iraq and 9/11. There was.
The Philadelphia Inquirer, which is close to be sold, ran a piece asking readers to tell them what needs to be improved. Amazingly, they actually printed some pretty critical responses. One reader essential said:

"Fire half the staff and replace them with conservatives. Then there would be some balance in the newspaper."

I happen to agree with him...