Bill Greenwood

Ejection Handle Pulled
Oct 16, 2019
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Bill Greenwood
I've just read the new book NERVES OF STEEL, by Tami Jo Smults. (sp?) and I recommend it. If you don't know she is the Southwest Airlines pilot who was flying two years ago when an engine disintegrated on her plane. I assume that a single engine landing in a jet is fairly routine, buy not so in this case as the damage caused so much drag they almost lost control of the plane, and a safe landing was not assured.

This emergency is only a small part of the book, much of it is detailed description of all her training in the Navy and learning to fly up to landing an F18 on a carrier. Can you do that? I cant of at least I haven't.
Its hard to believe how much discrimination she faces , both in the military and even at Southwest, excerpt we remember much of this was in the 80s, may be better now.
Warning, there is a lot of religion in the book, which gives her strength but may not jibe with everyone.
A tough capable lady. And a pretty good book, I read it in a day.
I heard her talk at Airventure’s theatre in the woods this year, I bet that is a good read.