Boeing DreamLifter and the History of Super Sized Aircraft

The Boeing LCF DreamLifter is the latest in a long line of Super Sized aircraft.. Learn about the Carvair, Guppy series, and the Beluga that all proceeded the DreamLifter.

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That was pretty excellent, thanks. I'm guessing that's your production, well done. Where in Florida BTW?
When one of these things lands near your 150, you feel like a minnow swimming with the whales. BFI, what a great place, I share my runway with dreamlifters 787's B-17's B-24's B-25's, B-29's, P-40's, P-51's. the Blues. Marine harriers, even Cessna's, Waco's & J-3's. Other than Balloons & gliders we get it all . the dreamlifer gets 5 minutes for wake turbulence, most get 3. :yes: Dave
That was pretty darn cool thanks for posting it as well as the video of the E-4
i enjoy seeing the dreamlifter going in and out of the airforce base across the street from work. not only does it look cool but it helps cover my paycheck