Boeing Bomb

I call b.s. It's extremely rare and unlikely for something like that to happen and she's saying this is the second time. What's more likely is that she ticked someone off, or that she's a lying attention seeker. If it was an aerial drop, it's more likely from someone in a 172 holding a grudge.
I call b.s. It's extremely rare and unlikely for something like that to happen and she's saying this is the second time. What's more likely is that she ticked someone off, or that she's a lying attention seeker. If it was an aerial drop, it's more likely from someone in a 172 holding a grudge.

I think you are right on that. So what did you have against this lady anyway? And was a certain monkey involved? :D
I call b.s. It's extremely rare and unlikely for something like that to happen and she's saying this is the second time. What's more likely is that she ticked someone off, or that she's a lying attention seeker. If it was an aerial drop, it's more likely from someone in a 172 holding a grudge.
Are you trying to say that it had to be a high wing pilot?
Bowker believes it came from a commercial aircraft releasing the waste from the air at the wrong time.

There is no right time for an airline to release waste from the air. That does not happen. And if it was somehow a leak which is highly unlikely, the feces would be accompanied by a bunch of blue water and it would be spread out over a wider area, not just over her place. If there was feces all over her property, she most likely has enemies.
This joke doesn't work anymore but here it goes,

If it were from an airliner, then all the turds would be full of peanuts
Low wingers can't see what the hell they are doing because the stupid wing is in the way. High wings are the greatest planes ever built and everyone would be better pilots if they flew high wings.

Well... other than me ;)

I wonder if she is married? I can't help but think there is someone out there, ex hubby, that is laughing his butt off over this. Then again there would also be someone who p,aged with a lot of poo to make that happen.
In the video, the stuff on her car and driveway looks red. It just looks like bird crap to me. A lot of it, sure, but still.
Lav juice on airliners is usually blue tinted.
Just saw a really good explanation for what could have happened on FB... there's fresh snow on the ground there. Given that everyone seems to have dogs these days, it's quite likely that someone running a snowblower blew poopy snow toward her driveway - either knowingly or unknowingly. The snow melted, the poop stayed.

Still looks more like bird poop to me, but that explanation isn't bad either.
This. It's held internally and released into the coffee pots, from what I can tell.

and his conservation of movementum

Not really quite what I was thinking but yeah, probably that too. Of course, I feel that way about all coffee.