Bill to Simplify Certification Passes Congress

Thank you for admitting the irrelevance of your statement to the discussion at hand, to wit, allowing type-qualified CFI's to give training to new owner/builders of E-AB aircraft during the initial fly-off period rather than making the owner/builder fly solo during that period.

To me it makes sense to have the new builder see and feel how a known good example of the type flys and reacts to inputs rather than expose a builder and a CFI to a unknown new aircraft.
Write your Congresscritters and ask them to ask the FAA what authority they can cite which allows them to refuse to follow the law, and tie the answer to funding.

+1 just tie it into their funding,then they'll get the message. Don't you just love govt agencies?
Write your Congresscritters and ask them to ask the FAA what authority they can cite which allows them to refuse to follow the law, and tie the answer to funding.

The law is merely a suggestion to the Great Imperial Federal Government
I've seen a huge drop in Certified aircraft prices and parts, haven't you? ;)

I know you were being facetious, but no, I haven't seen anything pricing wise responding to the signing of that piece of legislation. I wouldn't expect it to.

Once primary non-commercial kicks in however, you will see an impact on spam can pricing. My estimation is that the allowance to retrofit and operate spam cans as de facto experimentals will actually increase their market price, not lower it. If anything, I see exp-ABs like RV-10 being negatively impacted by the inclusion of proverbial Piper Comanches into the list of available "experimental" options.

The real winners on that conversion are the owners of spam cans and of course, avionic manufacturers who focus on the experimental side.

Aspen avionics would be wise to release their evolution pfd in experimental re-badge the next day this thing kicks off; they're gonna get their lunch eaten by Dynon once the latter is legally allowed to encroach on their certified niche. I'll be frank, I'd love to sponsor Aspen's pfd (I prefer their architecture more than the Dynon TV screen), but they're gonna have to give me walmart pricing like Dynon does, if they don't want to get run out of business.
Once primary non-commercial kicks in however, you will see an impact on spam can pricing.

People have been saying they'll make aviation cheaper my whole life. Pardon my inability to take any of it seriously. You'll die waiting.

Better and faster to find ways to increase income than to wait on that silliness.