Bill to Combat Patent Trolls


Touchdown! Greaser!
Apr 1, 2007
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Richard Palm
I can't see a pack of lawyers limiting anyone's ability to sue, especially since they've only done so once in US history.
EFF is not anti-troll; they're anti-patent (and all IP, actually). Its much like how the 'peace' movement only finds the energy to oppose violence when its used against America's enemies. Calling them anti-troll is a mis-characterization.

The problems with patent litigation are not patent problems, but litigation problems. Patents are hardly the first subject matter of shake-down nuisance lawsuits -- anyone remember ADA trolling?
Something needs to be done. "Nuke" Tyler, TX (people familiar with where all the patent troll suits get filed will understand), and legislative action.

Can you believe people who write and sell mobile apps in the Google Play and Apple Store are now getting hit with a lawsuit for violating this guy's 2001 patent?

I can see the patent holder suing Google, or Apple, but the people that write and sell the apps in the stores??! Geez, way to stifle the small guys.
Something needs to be done. "Nuke" Tyler, TX (people familiar with where all the patent troll suits get filed will understand), and legislative action.

Can you believe people who write and sell mobile apps in the Google Play and Apple Store are now getting hit with a lawsuit for violating this guy's 2001 patent?

I can see the patent holder suing Google, or Apple, but the people that write and sell the apps in the stores??! Geez, way to stifle the small guys.

They're easier to go after unfortunately. You're given two options, pay the settlement they offer you, or they'll take you to court. It just so happens that the settlement fee is a trifle less than what a decent court case might cost you.

You don't threaten Google or Apple like that, they've got the money to burn and could bury you.

I vaguely remember Google and maybe Apple offering patent protection to their developers through some legal entity or something, can't remember if it made any difference.