Beware the flour drop...

ROTFL...the continuing crises! I wouldn't waste the paper the summons is printed on, they will NEVER get a conviction.

Now trespassing, or littering...maybe. I think the hashers are idiots too for doing that on someone's land without permission.
I remember the first time I hashed. I was in Bangkok. That was fun. I haven't hashed in a very long time.

I fear they might get a conviction based on the people that will be chosen for the jury pool. The chicken-little mentality is probably very strong in that part of the country.
ROTFL...the continuing crises! I wouldn't waste the paper the summons is printed on, they will NEVER get a conviction.

Now trespassing, or littering...maybe. I think the hashers are idiots too for doing that on someone's land without permission.

Just like in Boston they'll knee jerk to pass a new law making it a crime to do something that shows how stupid the citizens are,
There are no words to describe the scope of stupidity required to even consider prosecuting in these circumstances.
"It could be a terrorist, it could be something more serious."

Like.... what? This is so, so, so sad.

We have become a nation of cowards, afraid of our shadows. Alas, the terrorists have already won in New Haven.
Phrases that should be banned: "Out of an abundance of caution..."
Phrases that should be banned: "Out of an abundance of caution..."

"Out an abundance of caution" you are advised to never leave your house...oh wait there can be accidents at home. Just stay in bed, oh wait, people die in bed.
Gonna be until Sweden remove all its troops...Oh. Wait.

You can my meatball when you can pry it from my cold lingonberry coated dead hands. :D:D

Gee I am gonna be up in Stockholm for a day later this month. I'll have to ask them how they fell about being targeted by flour-terrorists? Of the Wonder of it all.
You know, when I think of terrorist targets, IKEA parking lots just jump into my head, too!!
I couldn't care less if they had to close. I live fifty miles from the store and still get unsolicited catalogs.

When the store opened in Atlanta, the media would have you think the White House had been relocated here.*

*I'm glad it wasn't. I'd never want to deprive you folks up north the special military protection. :)

As for this moronic prosecution... ya think there might be something more for the courts to put their time into?
Well...da mayor and da police don't prosecute; the DA does. And, there certainly are a lot of times that simply doesn't occur. Da mayor should take a powder!!


And I'd sure like to see the legal gymnastics they engaged in to justify those folks' actions as "intentionally" breaching the peace, which is what that particular law requires. Not even reckless. Negligence (probably a class C misdemeanor but that's a WAG) would be a stretch.
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Face it, a prime requirement to be a politician is to check your brain at the door. And you know the elected types will do anything to get their face in front of a TV camera. What a bunch of morons.