Best summary/editorial re. TSA idiocy so far

Thank heavens there are still a few of the college generation that can THINK!
Amen. And people who say that we shouldn't care if we have nothing to hide are people that have never lived under the kind of security state we're headed toward.
Right on! I really do believe that the path to Orwellian surveillance is a slippery slope.
If we have nothing to hide, why not put cameras in every room in our homes? Tap every phone line? Monitor every communique? The TSA is simply a series of baby steps towards the complete evaporation of individual rights and freedoms, perpetrated by a government who "is doing this for our own good."
I really don't want to live in a security state. The TSA should have stopped at hardened cockpit doors, metal detectors, x-rays, and explosives sniffers. All non-invasive, non-creepy, and practical.
Right on! I really do believe that the path to Orwellian surveillance is a slippery slope.
If we have nothing to hide, why not put cameras in every room in our homes? Tap every phone line? Monitor every communique? The TSA is simply a series of baby steps towards the complete evaporation of individual rights and freedoms, perpetrated by a government who "is doing this for our own good."
I really don't want to live in a security state. The TSA should have stopped at hardened cockpit doors, metal detectors, x-rays, and explosives sniffers. All non-invasive, non-creepy, and practical.

Under normal circumstances I'd say I told you so. But, as I have told so with such vehemence and frequency already the phrase has lost all meaning. Therefore, I will be replacing it with the phrase, I have informed you thusly.

Under normal circumstances I'd say I told you so. But, as I have told so with such vehemence and frequency already the phrase has lost all meaning. Therefore, I will be replacing it with the phrase, I have informed you thusly.
I don't get it. You have told me before that we need less or smaller scope of government?
If so, perhaps we're more politically aligned than I had previously thought.
I don't get it.
It is directed to those that support these steps in the past. This started right after 911 and a lot of people supported anything to keep themselves safe. Civil libertarians were vilified. Time to acknowledge that the civil libertarians were right and work with them to solve this mess created in the name of national security.
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It is directed to those that support these steps in the past. This started right after 911 and a lot of people supported anything to keep themselves safe. Civil libertarians were vilified. Time to acknowledge that the civil libertarians were right and work with them to solve this mess created in the name of national security.
Scott, it felt like you had directed an attack against me personally ("I told YOU so") that was completely unwarranted.
Some of us "right-wingers" are actually reasonable people who just want less government intrusion, which should be equally applied to things like taxes, the welfare state, gay rights, abortion, et cetera.
I know that you must pin everything on Bush, but there were many co-conspirators on both side of the aisle. Like, almost all of them spoke in favor of security theatre.
There is just cause for anger, and indeed I'm angry... but my anger is directed at the political class in general, whereas yours seems to be trapped at the "hating Bush and the evil Republican apparatus" stage.
Drop the "right wingers did this" stuff, please. Almost every one of them did this to us.
Scott, it felt like you had directed an attack against me personally ("I told YOU so") that was completely unwarranted.
It is from the show Big Bang Theory, which by your reaction I would take it you do not watch. It was not meant as an attack on you, but was meant to highlight that supporting demagoguery over reason will lead you to eventually regret one's decisions with a little humor.

bazinga! ;)
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It is from the show Big Bang Theory, which by your reaction I would take it you do not watch. It was not meant as an attack on you, but was meant to highlight that supporting demagoguery over reason will lead you to eventually regret one's decisions.

The whole thing was very well written, but I thought this a gem of a line:
We are a passive audience trapped in a theatre of the absurd — apparently too absorbed in brilliantly orchestrated drama to realize it’s all just a play.
Right on! I really do believe that the path to Orwellian surveillance is a slippery slope.
If we have nothing to hide, why not put cameras in every room in our homes? Tap every phone line? Monitor every communique? The TSA is simply a series of baby steps towards the complete evaporation of individual rights and freedoms, perpetrated by a government who "is doing this for our own good."
I really don't want to live in a security state. The TSA should have stopped at hardened cockpit doors, metal detectors, x-rays, and explosives sniffers. All non-invasive, non-creepy, and practical.

And it's important to remember that the SS was a security agency.