Best pizza cities in the US....

Dammit! How does Phoenix make the list and still, no one has Albuquerque and their fantastic Pizza offerings from Dion's or anything titled "Lobo Style" on it.

The list is bs.
Dammit! How does Phoenix make the list and still, no one has Albuquerque and their fantastic Pizza offerings from Dion's or anything titled "Lobo Style" on it.

The list is bs.

Phoenix made the list because of all the people from Chicago and New York that moved there.

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The best pizza is the one sitting on the plate in front of me that I don't have to go to any of those cities to get. ;)
From Boston and we have great pizza.spoiled so when I travel I seldom have pizza however Florida isn't bad either.
Best pizza is the homemade pizza. After 6 months of experiments, we have some solid results - Publix dough is ok, homemade from a breadmaker is better, pizza pans with two layer metal, top one with holes, and a regular garden variety grill works as good as a pizza stove. Tada, all you can eat pizza. Don't repeat too often, not good for useful load and CG
I guess the real question is where is the best pizza within walking distance of an airport?
Best pizza is the homemade pizza. After 6 months of experiments, we have some solid results - Publix dough is ok, homemade from a breadmaker is better, pizza pans with two layer metal, top one with holes, and a regular garden variety grill works as good as a pizza stove. Tada, all you can eat pizza. Don't repeat too often, not good for useful load and CG

Find some "double ought" flour if you really want the best crust.
The best pizza is the one sitting on the plate in front of me that I don't have to go to any of those cities to get. ;)

Yep, I my book Cincinnati is just fine, I can get good pizza and not have to go more than five minutes from the house.
Best pizza is the homemade pizza. After 6 months of experiments, we have some solid results - Publix dough is ok, homemade from a breadmaker is better, pizza pans with two layer metal, top one with holes, and a regular garden variety grill works as good as a pizza stove. Tada, all you can eat pizza. Don't repeat too often, not good for useful load and CG


I have my breadmaker recipe down pat and the results are perfect...

Also, your CG comment is right on as I have a habit of adding 2-3X the cheese.. But YUMMY...
This is clearly an artificial contruct 'best pizza cities'. Pizza is all about individual businesses and quality of pizzas may differ vastly within the same city. I just don't buy the premise of 'best pizza city' the same way as 'best car city' or 'best burger city'.
San Diego??? :confused:

I couldn't find a decent pizza in San Diego if I stood on my head!

Hell, the worst pizza in Brooklyn (not counting Domino's and other chains) is better than the best pizza I had in San Diego.

Tofu, bean sprouts, soy beans... for all those, Dan Diego can't be beat. But I could whip up a better pizza in the back seat of my car than anything I had in San Diego.

And how did Brooklyn not come out Number One? Native Italians fly over from Italy for Brooklyn Pizza! :mad2:


Tofu, bean sprouts, soy beans... ....


I will expand on the contents of a pizza....

Give me Pepperroni, Mushrooms, extra cheese and Anchovies all day long...

For the people who order Pineapple or BBQ chicken or any other fu fu topping, I say... That AIN"T normal pizza ingredients...:no::nonod:
From Boston and we have great pizza.spoiled so when I travel I seldom have pizza however Florida isn't bad either.

It was in a hole-in-the wall in Back Bay when I first had a lobstah pizza. That, my friends, is livin'.
Where in Crozet?

There is good food in Virginia?

Admitted bias due to sentiment, and I agree with Max (who should skip the Publix and always make his own dough) that homemade is at the top of my current list (people demand dinner parties featuring it these days), but if I had one day to visit one place for a pizza other than my own, that would be it.

Plus, it is the reason I started following the Dave Matthews Band (if anyone can figure that connection).

Admitted bias due to sentiment, and I agree with Max (who should skip the Publix and always make his own dough) that homemade is at the top of my current list (people demand dinner parties featuring it these days), but if I had one day to visit one place for a pizza other than my own, that would be it.

Plus, it is the reason I started following the Dave Matthews Band (if anyone can figure that connection).

Will have to try it sometime. There is not a lot in Crozet.

You do know that there is a restaurant in Charlottesville owned by someone affiliated with DMB...
Dammit! How does Phoenix make the list and still, no one has Albuquerque and their fantastic Pizza offerings from Dion's or anything titled "Lobo Style" on it.

The list is bs.

Because Phoenix has tons of awesome pizza, and Phoenix also is home to non-Arizona natives, and a lot of them.
Dumb article. I'll bet my little neighborhood down the street from one of the largest US universities has far better pizza than any of the suburbs of any those places.

We're too busy eating pizza and not filling in Trip Advisor reviews. Besides Trip Advisor keeps all the tourists at Pizzeria Uno instead of coming out to the good places!

BTW When in LV a really good pizza place is Naked City Pizza. Not Chicago style or even NYC style it is Buffalo NY style.

I also have to say that the article was sort of dumb. It really pointed out cities and named a couple of joints in those cities. It is not a survey on pizza quality of a particular restaurant or style of pizza.