Best foods for weight loss

Yeah, most on offer here too, 'cept salmon. I hate salmon, and since I'm the cook and grocery-buyer, we don't get no salmon.
I love Salmon, but don't like to eat it because of the fisheries collapses.

Celery and lettuce are not neither caloric nor filling. Avocados do have a lot of fat, but it is the right kind of fat; they are also quite filling and have many nutritious properties. They are best eaten in moderation, though, like most things. A dish full of guacamole eaten with fried chips is not going to loose you any weight.

Nonetheless, this is part of the ingredient list that goes into the menu at Steinholme. Haven't cooked plantains for awhile, might have to give that a try.
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Heh. Looks a lot like how I eat.

Just had some dry-roasted (only other ingredient is salt) for a snack.
Currently sipping some red wine.
Dinner will be black beans mixed with chicken, fresh salsa, and Cholula hot sauce.
There's an avocado ripening on my counter, getting ready to join some salmon...
Heh. Looks a lot like how I eat.

Just had some dry-roasted (only other ingredient is salt) for a snack.
Currently sipping some red wine.
Dinner will be black beans mixed with chicken, fresh salsa, and Cholula hot sauce.
There's an avocado ripening on my counter, getting ready to join some salmon...

Sounds good Liz. No wonder you are in good shape. Look forward to seeing you again at Wings.
Heh, my last meal was home made chicken parmigiani. Not exactly a weight loss leader. It was completely from scratch though. :)
Heh, my last meal was home made chicken parmigiani. Not exactly a weight loss leader. It was completely from scratch though. :)

You're so domestic! Chicken parm... apple crisp.. Surprised you haven't been snapped up yet! :dunno: