BBQ tastes better with friends

Troy, did you see anyone else today?
Why wasn't Wayne smiling??? Maybe he needed women pilots there to make him smile for the photo? ;)
If you had been standing in line as long as we had, you wouldn't have been smiling either, Sunshine.

But even though Cutler finked out with some lame excuse about work, we managed to have a good time without him. I've lived in Texas for 20+ years, but had somehow missed the Hard 8 until today.

On the way out, TW said today was his first tail-dragger experience. He may be harder to trap next time. He rode home with Dave in the fire-breathing P-Baron and made Kent ride in the 180.

Why wasn't Wayne smiling??? Maybe he needed women pilots there to make him smile for the photo? ;)
Wayne, thanks, that was FUN! Not sure if you realized I shot video of your approach and landing at KSEP. I will post it, with your permission. It has video evidence of you beating Dave's fire-breathing dragon to the airfield.

Thanks, Dave, for the stick time (yoke time)! The 58P is gorgeous. Sure was a lot of traffic to watch for. I think there was only one we didn't actually see.

Thanks, Dave, for the stick time (yoke time)! The 58P is gorgeous. Sure was a lot of traffic to watch for. I think there was only one we didn't actually see.

Troy, that P of Dave's is a traffic-magnet. This I know, because when I fly with him, that traffic box is always pointing out traffic nearby; but when I fly by myself, I never see nuthin'! :eek:
Yes, it was fun! Thanks to both Dave and Wayne for letting me fly their excellent airplanes, and Troy for setting it all up.

And even Spike, for at least showing up for a bit. ;)
Sure, put it up. I got nothing to hide . . . nothing to hide . . . nothing to . . .

Wayne, thanks, that was FUN! Not sure if you realized I shot video of your approach and landing at KSEP. I will post it, with your permission. It has video evidence of you beating Dave's fire-breathing dragon to the airfield.

Thanks, Dave, for the stick time (yoke time)! The 58P is gorgeous. Sure was a lot of traffic to watch for. I think there was only one we didn't actually see.
I'll tell ya all where you can get some awesome BBQ and eat it with a LOT of POA friends :)

Approach and landing in Wayne's 180 at KSEP. Notice who lands AFTER
;-) Not that we were racing or anything.

Nice video, Troy. :yesnod: You sure can see a clear reflection in the underside of Wayne's wing. What was that big "thunk" as he was taxiing, at about 1:12 in the video...sounds like he ran into something. :eek: ;)
BBQ indeed tastes better with friends. I prefer mine with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
It was a truly wonderful day; azure sky with narry a cloud in sight (until inside the BBQ place where smoke made it IMC). Good company made it better.

Wayne knows all the short cuts! Didn't know cutting through the class B had been authorized <g> Wayne did smile a lot after he got something to eat!

The TIS (traffic system) on the plane sure does humble one at times. It shows a lot of traffic I'd otherwise never see. Going around the B to the north sure brought forth many targets.

Let's do it again; soon!


Dave, you'll have to bring the P-Baron to HOU for Beechcraft Day on May 15!
Dave really likes flyouts to places with runways long enough that he can land that thing. And likes the ones where he can take off even better.

Dave, you'll have to bring the P-Baron to HOU for Beechcraft Day on May 15!
Dave really likes flyouts to places with runways long enough that he can land that thing. And likes the ones where he can take off even better.

Well, HOU is right up his alley, then! Unless 7000ft. is not enough!
BBQ indeed tastes better with friends. I prefer mine with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

Join us up at Wings this year, Harry! It's a pretty short hop (car, fly) from Baltimore...


May 15th I'll be in Oshkosh for a special college (nurse) graduation. My problem isn't finding places to fly to, it's finding activities that help pay for this plane so I can fly it <g>.

