BBC Flies over Spratly Islands in a Cessna 206

Seems like China needs to be ***** slapped.
I loved that video. It had real drama. You could see, hear and feel an international conflict on a big scale. Much better news reporting than the usual quotes of government spokesmen.
Seems like China needs to be ***** slapped.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: By whom? Just who is it that is going to stand up to the world's strongest economy and a force that can put half a billion people under arms at any time that also has nuclear missiles that they can put anywhere in America, and an Alliance with Russia and Iran? Tell me we are gonna do it? Ha!, China owns us, and they bought us with our own money.

WWII is happening all over again, only this time it will end with Christian-Communist China and Russia allied with Shia Iran/Persia that will win, because we were to lazy to make our own stuff anymore and just took everything we wanted from everyone else and handed them worthless cash for it. Only the Chinese government was still communist, so they beat us with it by giving it back and cashing it in on real resources.

As soon as they take over the oil pumping from the Fed, we are over; and this program is about securing the our imperial navy from defending Queen Beatrix's claims on the Java Sea oil fields like in WWII. Japan tried to prevent it by destroying hardware at Pearl Harbor. The Chinese aren't making that mistake. They will make them inaccessible instead. At the rate they are doing things, we have 5 years at the outside before they are ready.

Remember, the BBC is especially unwelcome given the history with Britain during the Opium Wars and Boxer Rebellion. This is all part of Chinese history lessons in PRC same as the US revolution and Civil War here. "**** them British bastards."
Well... if the Filipinos hadn't thrown us out of there... I'm just saying'. ;)

Henning is partly right. The Chinese mean to take control of all the Pacific for sure, but there is not going to be much of a fight about it, it will just be accepted. The United States is the only country in the region that could really challenge China, but China has us by the balls and besides, controlling the Pacific Ocean is all about controlling trade and resources and we do most of our trading with China.

It is Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Taiwan, Viet Nam, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia that will suffer. Russia too. The Chinese have played a good game. They are taking the world by economics and dependence, rather than force. At this point, nearly every nation on the planet is dependent on China for the production of goods. The Chinese have allowed the west to concentrate so much manufacturing know how inside their country, that complex systems can't be built on any scale without their help.

For this reason, the Chinese control much of the world without having to actually fight for it. On the other hand, China hasn't been in a good fight for a long while and I imagine they are just itching to try out their new toys and flex their new muscles. They may provoke a fight just because they want to, like a school yard bully.

We just need ISIL to attack them and then they can go and play in the sand box and get their blood lust satisfied over there instead of all around the Pacific.

Anyhow, we are screwed, but I don't see a WWIII happening in the sense of it being a big shooting war. It's just a reordering and at this point everyone is powerless to do anything about it. However, history has a funny way of being entirely unpredictable and who knows? Maybe China will have a great internal calamity that will cause her to fall back a few pegs.
Russia will not suffer, Russia is part of it. The Boxers and Bolsheviks have united, and the Persians are in on it to. Did you notice that China officially adopted Christianity? You know why? It buys them peaceful coexistence with Shia Islam who will control Europe, Africa, and Islamic Asia. China will take control of New World Resources, and Russia will do business with everyone so long as they get to take their vacation their in the winter. Putin gets gets rid of his Sunni Arab problem and trades it for again, a Christian premise forced peace through the Qu'ran. Iranians are pretty decent people if we quit ****ing with their society because they won't sell their oil in Dollars. That's why Gadafy was an enemy as well.

See, the Qu'ran in the sentence before the one where it calls for jihad on the infidels, it says "We have no problem with the faithful Jews and Christians, and we must live with them in peace." The problem we have is that we are Infidels, our entire society revolves around the breaking of 7 of the 10 commandments. Without coveting, our entire Consumer Economy disappears, our entire advertising sponsored entertainment industry disappears. You see, the problem we have is the Christ was a communist, as is God. They expect us to take care of everyone, not just our own, and usury is wholly forbidden.

The Chinese are already Communists, they have no problem being good Christians as long as they can keep out the people who currently sell God for a profit and create their own Christian Church from scratch.

You see, the Chinese are in business to feed people, we are in business to make money. That s why China will defeat us, they have the morally superior position, as does Islam. Any sense of moral superiority in the United States or any of the Westen World is nothing but propaganda fed self delusion.
Russia will not suffer, Russia is part of it. The Boxers and Bolsheviks have united, and the Persians are in on it to. Did you notice that China officially adopted Christianity? You know why? It buys them peaceful coexistence with Shia Islam who will control Europe, Africa, and Islamic Asia. China will take control of New World Resources, and Russia will do business with everyone so long as they get to take their vacation their in the winter. Putin gets gets rid of his Sunni Arab problem and trades it for again, a Christian premise forced peace through the Qu'ran. Iranians are pretty decent people if we quit ****ing with their society because they won't sell their oil in Dollars. That's why Gadafy was an enemy as well.

See, the Qu'ran in the sentence before the one where it calls for jihad on the infidels, it says "We have no problem with the faithful Jews and Christians, and we must live with them in peace." The problem we have is that we are Infidels, our entire society revolves around the breaking of 7 of the 10 commandments. Without coveting, our entire Consumer Economy disappears, our entire advertising sponsored entertainment industry disappears. You see, the problem we have is the Christ was a communist, as is God. They expect us to take care of everyone, not just our own, and usury is wholly forbidden.

The Chinese are already Communists, they have no problem being good Christians as long as they can keep out the people who currently sell God for a profit and create their own Christian Church from scratch.

You see, the Chinese are in business to feed people, we are in business to make money. That s why China will defeat us, they have the morally superior position, as does Islam. Any sense of moral superiority in the United States or any of the Westen World is nothing but propaganda fed self delusion.

Wow, really ? :hairraise:

Wow, really ? :hairraise:


Yes. Just because Americans gave up their revolution and sold out, doesn't mean the Boxers, Bolsheviks, and Persians have. Now they won, and we're on the losing side of things for defying the founders on their prohibition on fiat currency.
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Wow, really ? :hairraise:


Yep. Crazy uncle Henning popped off again. He never misses an opportunity to bring up his religious, psycho babble, international conspiracy, doomsday apocalypse rants. This where the rest of the room grins and hands him another glass of sherry. All in good fun of course.