Barefoot behind a DragonFly

That looks totally stupid on so many levels.
There are so many things that could go wrong and ruin somebody's day. Idiots.
Reminds me of the video where the helo is trying to tow that speed boat and ends up in the drink. Exhilirating for sure but Yikes
Why does that look like something a floridian would do! Thats funny!
I think the barefoot central guys are based out of Texas somewhere and not Florida.
I haven't barefooted in a few years but when I did.....IT WAS BEHIND A BOAT!!
I can't get the wmv to load but I assume it's someone barefoot skiing behind an airplane. This is actually a fairly common "stunt" for barefooters. First of all most BF skiers are certified lunatics to begin with:yes:. I can say that because (on a very limited basis) I have been one. Second, being the adrenaline junkies that they are, many are often trying to "out-stupid" each other by footing behind something "different" including any type of boat, helicopters, ultralights, trucks, floatplanes, and even land planes. They also like to start from "unusual" places like bridges, trees, helicopters, beaches etc. The ultimate is to start from something weird while being pulled by something else weird in a weird place. An example (not one I've seen, but one that's probably been attempted) would be to start from a bungee cord tied to a bridge, ski across a swimming pool while being pulled with a Formula One race car.