Bad week to know me


Touchdown! Greaser!
Aug 18, 2011
Coworker died today, heart attack, was in his 40s.
Another Coworker's dad was diagnosed with Leukemia on 9/5 died yesterday.
Another coworker's dad lost his fight with cancer today.
Wife's aunt died yesterday.
My cousin was electrocuted yesterday, lost his arms, body covered in burns, not expected to make it.
Another cousin was severely beaten up.

Seems like it comes in waves.
Oh man Bart. I'm so sorry! That is a lot have to deal with that short period. My condolences to all the families. :yes:
Sorry you have these tragedies to test your faith. The families need you in these times especially.

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Never heard of you. Almost afraid to post on your thread.

Seriously, sorry to hear of all the heartache.
Please accept my condolences for your many losses. That's a lot of stress points in a very short period of time. Please do whatever you can to take care of yourself.
Sorry to hear of your troubles. It does seem to come in waves, and I've had weeks like that too.

Don't take this the wrong way, but maybe stop posting here, and logoff POA for a while. Sayin'....
So sorry to hear this.

Next time you are in the Double Springs area dinner is on me.
So sorry to hear this.

Next time you are in the Double Springs area dinner is on me.

Just sold our house there last Monday. I'll be back though, might just rent a room at Lake Shore Marina every other month or so...Cheaper than owning.
Sheesh and the week is not even over yet. Sorry to hear about your family and co-workers. Take care of yourself.
Dagnabbit, that does not sound like a good start to the week.
Remind me not to ever move anywhere close to you, I will make sure to stay out of SC.
Oh and does Internet-style "knowing you" count? Cuz if so, I am SOOOO screwed tomorrow ... should I call the surgeon and cancel?

Sorry to hear of all the bad luck around you. Let's hope this was the end of it and things will only improve starting tomorrow. Positive thoughts.
Man that sucks. We went through that with our family a few years back. 13 funerals in 13 months bookended by both my grandfathers.
Damn. Hang in there.

Not terribly upset. Closest person to me was the coworker who got up this morning to adjust the thermostat and fell dead of a massive heart attack. I was literally writing him an email when the VP of the company came by and pulled me into his office to tell me before the rumors started flying. He knew we collaborated a lot on projects.

Wife is packing for a flight to go to her aunts funeral.

Mom is on her way to south MS to sit with her cousin in anticipation of a funeral after the electrocution.

Other coworkers dad has been fighting cancer for a while. he was put on hospice "comfort care" a few weeks back.

Other cousin is an idiot who got beat up pretty good in Prison (I've posted about his drug induced antics here before)

But everything seemed to culminate over the past few days.
Sorry to hear. That's terrible. Thoughts and prayers to the friends and family.
Sorry to hear you've got all these troubles, but look on the bright side, it's got to get better.
Sorry for your troubles, life certainly does pile on at times, I tell my kids it separates the adults from the children. I hope you and your family find some peace and comfort.
Sorry to hear, that's a handful. Time will help, family, friends, faith, and maybe even a loyal dog could also ease the sting.
Sorry things got real. This stuff comes in waves, usually in threes. Since you got a lot of bad stuff out of the way all at once the calm between the storms should be even longer.
Sorry to hear of your troubles.
Holy cow. Hope it gets better from here.
You're in my thoughts and prayers.
We go for long periods of time without tragedy some time, and then WHAM. Sorry to hear.
I'd self ground if I wrere you.....jes sayin'