Bad user fees publicity

That is one of the most one sided commentaries I have read to date.
I mean commentary since a lot of what was written isn't based in fact presented in other media nor AOPA (granted they spin it to their/our advantage).
That is one of the most one sided commentaries I have read to date.
I mean commentary since a lot of what was written isn't based in fact presented in other media nor AOPA (granted they spin it to their/our advantage).
This is why most who write commentaries would never make it in talk radio. They couldn't stand up to the challenges to their logic.
I have to admit, my opposition to user fees is based on my one-sided opinion in favor of GA.
These articles wouldn't be so bad, except there is NO quotes or information from those who oppose user fees.

Every thing is quoted from the airline reps or from passengers on the airlines.

I emailed CNN about it. I doubt I'll get a response.
Maybe some of those airline passengers should do like we did and get their pilots license. Then they would understand what WE are talking about and how unfair the taxes and user fees are.
Charles Osgood said:
Over the last decade these charges have amount to more than 104 billion dollars. 7 billion dollars of which has gone to lengthened runways nicer terminals and other enhancements at GENERAL aviation airports for the convenience of the private pilots and corporate jets ""They're making out like bandits!" says Bob Poole, director of transportation studies at Southern California's REASON FOUNDATION.

6.73%. Airline taxes fund under 7% of GA airport improvements in the country. Bill is right, the airlines are running full court press on this.


"It costs me more to park my car at National Airport than it costs to park a corporate jet," he said.
I'm thinking he hasn't tried to park a corporate jet at National, where the FBO happens to be a Signature. That's not even considering the convoluted procedure you have to go through to get permission to fly into there.
I just sent CNN an e-mail as well- I suggest more of us do so.