Bad news from KSLC


Line Up and Wait
Jun 30, 2018
St. Louis, MO
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Apparently KSLC doesn't want GA aircraft at their airport anymore. While they will still provide service for them they are going to attempt to "encourage them" to use other airports.

I guess that we are really spoiled in St. Louis. Lambert actually has a GA parking ramp and I have heard from several of the instructors at my school and one person who worked at Lambert that their controllers actually like to see GA aircraft making use of their facilities - especially if we work around their morning and evening rush periods. I have made one landing at STL with my instructor while we were working on my complex endorsement so that I could get some Class B experience. The controller was very pleasant and thanked us for coming by, even though we only did a touch and go.
SLC is a challenge because of the geography. The 414 moved there and as part of the purchase agreement I flew it in. Coming from the east, they encourage you to cancel IFR and come in VFR, because otherwise you end up on an arrival more mixed in with the other traffic. The controllers there were very gracious but it is a busy airport. U42 is a challenge because if it's not VFR conditions, departing is challenging. I recall Lance Fisher once waiting on the ground for 3 hours to depart U42 in his Baron. There is a remarkable amount of GA traffic, especially for a Bravo.

I can see wanting to discourage use of SLC by GA traffic but reality is I don't see that changing much anytime soon. It's also the most convenient airport for many in the area and there are a LOT of private hangars there. The hangar the 414 now lives in is probably 80x60, and the man who owns it has owned it for something around 30-40 years.
My best and worst memory comes from KSLC, all on one flight. I was doing a charter there, VFR, and as I contacted approach we discovered my transponder wasn't working. The lady controller yelled at me, I mean really yelled at me, telling me, "YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO DEPART UNTIL YOU GET THAT TRANSPONDER FIXED, YOU GOT THAT.?!?!?!?" I started to ask her who put her in charge of my flight but I didn't.

Challenge issued, challenge accepted. After landing I called the tower and told them my transponder was not working and asked how can I get out of here and back home.?? Very simple I was told. After take off we will get you into a turn to identify you and then send you to departure. After take off they kept me at about 600AGL, turned me, Identified me, sent me to departure who gave me a couple vectors for the quickest way to clear their airspace and once clear, turned me lose on my own.

Before I switched frequencies, I did ask the departure guy if he could tell the mean lady on approach that I did leave today without fixing my transponder.... They knew whom I was referring to.

Shortest departure clearance ever.....
Before I switched frequencies, I did ask the departure guy if he could tell the mean lady on approach that I did leave today without fixing my transponder.... They knew whom I was referring to.

Shortest departure clearance ever.....

I guess that we are really spoiled in St. Louis. Lambert actually has a GA parking ramp and I have heard from several of the instructors at my school and one person who worked at Lambert that their controllers actually like to see GA aircraft making use of their facilities - especially if we work around their morning and evening rush periods. I have made one landing at STL with my instructor while we were working on my complex endorsement so that I could get some Class B experience. The controller was very pleasant and thanked us for coming by, even though we only did a touch and go.

Honestly STL hardly needs to be a Class B airport anymore. I have flown in and out of there GA, and other than the occasional SWA rush or fighter coming out of Boeing, the place was a ghost town. TWA/American de-hubbing the airport really hurt them, so they are more than happy to accommodate other traffic.
Lambert Field is awesome. I went there in a 172 from Creve Couer (1H0) and did two touch and goes on a single pass of RWY11. [9001 x 150] Could easily do more in the RV :)
I found BWI to be real accessible when doing my IR - other than the rush hours, they were fine with GA doing approaches. We were working mostly at night, in the winter. Funny thing is, adjacent Martin State tower was populated wth about 80% azzhats. Funny how airport towers assume a culture unique to each.
Only Bravo I’ve had issues with is KDAL during a SWA arrival push. They’ll work with you but I discovered they appreciate a very very short base and final.

I’ve been on the opposite side had was in a conga line of GA planes in a CRJ at an uncontrolled field. I had two guys in the pattern and was behind two Cessnas. It was kinda funny to watch the reaction of the pilots as we taxied.
Having only dealt with Bravo airports in the northeast and mid Atlantic, I’ve never been given any trouble. Even LGA was semi painless when I brought a Cirrus in there.
Major Delta hub. Not surprised, b oth ATC and the airport authority are probably getting heat to limit GA.
My firm is in the thick of doing the Airport Master Plan for SLC, and associated with it is some GA airport system planning. So if you have specific feedback that would be helpful, send me a PM and I'll forward it to the team.