Back in the swing!


Line Up and Wait
Apr 9, 2005
Tualatin OR
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I had a super flight today, the third I've had since returning to Oregon. It was so clear in the Portland area today that we could see from Mt Rainier right down to the Three Sisters. Lots of steep turns, S-turns over a road, and all sorts of stalls and slow flight. I think I am finally getting used to seeing actual multi-level topography below (and all around) me instead of the uber flat almost gridlike surface of eastern North Dakota. I even got to land and take off going uphill (Runway 2 slopes up at Twin Oaks) and since it was so hot and we were full fuel I did my first short field takeoff which was interesting. The airplane I flew today was a bit of a slug, too, and idled so low that it nearly quit so I had to watch just how far back I pulled power when the situation called for it, but that just kept things interesting.

Shooting landings at McMinnville Wednesday, and hopefully I'll be ready to re solo pretty quick after that! Whoohoo!

HPNFlyGirl said:
Awesome!!!!! Do you like your new CFI?

Yes, it seems as if we get along. I don't terrify him (the "terr" part of my name) and he doesn't make me uncomfortable. So far so good, and I looooove the setting and atmosphere at Twin Oaks as opposed to the complete zoo at Hillsboro. It is worth the drive into "the country" to get to.

Flying in the Columbia River Gorge last week was awesome too. I can't wait to do some coastal flying. Wx this week will be great for flying AND sailing, whohoo!
