Back in the saddle again


Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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(the Gene Autry version, not the Aerosmith version)

It would be easy to say that 'unfortunately' I haven't logged any flight hours in over three years, but I can't make my self use that word. Due to POSITIVE events like our family growing and becoming active in new things and me changing jobs a couple of times which has helped put us in a better financial (and mental) situation, I just slipped away from flying. Looking through the logbook, my last entry was 5/28/16. It's amazing how quickly time can pass when life is running full speed ahead.

That is all remedied now, though. Got the 3rd Class med done a few weeks ago and was able to get schedules aligned with a CFI today to head up to sign off on BFR. It was a typical summer day in Georgia, so the sweat was pouring at 11am as we went around and around the pattern while the CFI kept urging me "you said you want to hit this speed on downwind, so hit the speed and hold it". Something that was so easy at one time now requires me to really focus on how things look and feel to maintain a speed or descent rate. Luckily, I never had any issues with performing maneuvers safely, but I definitely need to re-hone the fine skills of nailing speeds at critical points without having to focus so intently on it.

Had to change shirts when I got home, but it sure feels good to knock some of the rust off - even if it was power-washed off with sweat.

Next up - get to the point that VFR flying is second nature and get the IPC knocked out so I can go punch holes in the clouds again.

Yippie Kai Ai Ohhhhh!!!
Fortunately, we do shed the rust fairly quickly and the flying skills once again shine through. Congrats on getting back in the air.
About damn time.

Welcome back.
Over lunch, the CFI was explaining the importance of not trying to over-correct for a late turn to final. All I could think about was you and me in an inverted RV-7A. :D

And here I would’ve figured all you could think about was wondering if he’d consumed enough crown in one sitting to be a CFI.