Back in the air...


Final Approach
PoA Supporter
May 18, 2007
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I had lost passenger currency. I hadn't been up since May 3rd. A trip to see my son, 1 landing at each end so it didn't get me current.

So last evening, amid all the thunderstorm activity, I went for a few trips around the pattern at KORL. I did three of the best landings I've done in a while. Full flaps, nose up stall horn on, chirp. So I feel good. I've got a plane reserved for Monday morning to take my wife & daughter up to visit my son in Gainesville.

Just wanted to share.
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Very nice! Glad you're back at it.

I need to get my butt back in the air sometime as well - the heat's been keeping me away, but that's just an excuse more than anything.
Blurry shots from my iPad on my last downwind.
IMG_0052.JPG IMG_0053.JPG
I've been lucky enough to do more flying in the last 6 months than I've done in years. A combination of a project that's 200 miles away and buying my own LSA means I'm current all of the time. :)