Avionics Shop in MI

The rogue

Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 17, 2005
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Rogue Aviation
I'm looking to put a Garmin 175 and an Autopilot in a Mooney.

I've got one quote from a shop near Jackson, MI, but I can't get other shops to return my calls at the moment. I'd like to get another quote, just to have two quotes.

Does anyone have any experience with avionics in Michigan, or even Northern Indiana.

Thanks for the help.
Thanks! I'll give them a call tomorrow.
I think I've found a solution. There's 1/3 of a plane for sale that has all the good stuff installed already.

Thanks again for all the help, here.

So you're going to do all the tear out an reinstall yourself?
So you're going to do all the tear out an reinstall yourself?

Nah. It's a simple sectioning repair; only need to cut out the offending third and weld in the new.
Sure, it's a little hoopty. But what plane isn't after a time?