Aviation Weekend


Feb 26, 2005
Harleysville, PA
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It's not often that a weekend frees up to actually do things.....like flying! The wife is off to a ladies only party at the shore, so there isn't a to-do list! Yesterday was Young Eagles day at Quakertown. Don't usually participate as I'm not an EAA member, but they had a bit of a manpower crunch so some help was needed. Quite the busy day, 9 pilots flew 81 kids over just 3 hours. Was a blast!! The kids had a great time and the parents were well mannered and cooperative. AdamZ came up around noon to help thaw and de-ice the Cherokee (I didn't clean the snow off from the last storm, so it was frozen pretty solid) so we did need to put some time on it. So off to Wings for a short flight, get some gas and circulate the oil.

Today dawned clear, crisp and cold. Got the flamethrower cranked up and soon ready for breakfast. The usual hemming and hawing over where to go, but Orange Co NY (MGJ) was the final concensis. 7 planes(?) 15 people(?). I flew up, AdamZ flew back. Really a beautiful day, cold weather flying is a lot of fun, the plane jumps off the runway, runs strong and Cherokee's have plenty of heat. Great visibility and smooth air. Seems as though NY has a more snow than the Phila. area, some pretty impressive snow piles at the ramp. The usual good breakfast at Ricks. Flight back was nearly the same as time up, uneventiful, some good views of small snow squalls over eastern NJ.

Just an excellent weekend of joy of aviation.



  • De Icing and Preheat.JPG
    De Icing and Preheat.JPG
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  • Allentown and Easton PA.JPG
    Allentown and Easton PA.JPG
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  • Ramp at LOM.JPG
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  • Ramp at MGJ.JPG
    Ramp at MGJ.JPG
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  • Somewhere over N Jersey.JPG
    Somewhere over N Jersey.JPG
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  • Adam as Pilot.JPG
    Adam as Pilot.JPG
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  • Final for 29.JPG
    Final for 29.JPG
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  • Back Home.JPG
    Back Home.JPG
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It was a great day flying. Beautiful out and so cool to get from Philly up to Orange County in only 1 hour. I must be paying the appropriate attention to my pattern and landings because I didn't even notice that Gary was taking the photos of the landing from a mere inches away from me.

Flying is Good!:thumbsup:
Glad you guys had fun. I just flew over to a local airport and shot a really good landing. Got to play with the timer I hooked up to the Tanis heater yesterday, I think I finally got it working right. Something wonderful about arriving to the hangar to an already warmed-up aircraft.

Great pics! Wow! sure had some snow piled up at MGY.

Adam, Thanks for the heads up call, sorry I didn't make the run north. I guess I should have plugged in but just didn't feel like hanging out in the cold (body telling me something). I pulled the data card on the 530 and went back home. I woke up Monday feeling like I got hit by a truck. Spent the day under a blanket on the couch, with the Bride playing nurse, drinking hot tea and taking naps.
Glad you guys had fun. I just flew over to a local airport and shot a really good landing. Got to play with the timer I hooked up to the Tanis heater yesterday, I think I finally got it working right. Something wonderful about arriving to the hangar to an already warmed-up aircraft.

Michael I'd say there's something wonderful about just arriving to a hangar period :D
Glad you guys had fun. I just flew over to a local airport and shot a really good landing. Got to play with the timer I hooked up to the Tanis heater yesterday, I think I finally got it working right. Something wonderful about arriving to the hangar to an already warmed-up aircraft.

Michael I'd say there's something wonderful about just arriving to a hangar period :D

Yes..... one of these years!!

Yeah, I have a good hangar. I hope I programed the timer correctly. No instructions, so I am not certain. Blew it first time (though because it stayed on I had a nice flight) so we'll see how this goes.
Looks like a great QPA Fly-out. I need to get back together with you guys for a few flights this year and see some of these new places. Maybe I'll show up and buy the pilot breakfast instead of renting the C172SP.

Great pics, thanks for sharing them.
Looks like a great QPA Fly-out. I need to get back together with you guys for a few flights this year and see some of these new places. Maybe I'll show up and buy the pilot breakfast instead of renting the C172SP.

Great pics, thanks for sharing them.

We've never left anyone behind!
