Aviation merit badge


Line Up and Wait
Aug 24, 2010
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Todd W.
Being an inactive flight instructor and an Eagle scout I volunteered to do the aviation merit badge for our scout troop next weekend.

I've read the requirements and they should be easy enough. Wondering if any of you have done this and have any pointers or online tips you can point me to.

I know we've had a number of threads on this in the past years - hit Search and enter "Boy Scout Merit Badge" ... the last time I looked into this my 18 year old was in grade school.
Favorite methodology around here is to do it as a group. Merit badge workshop at the airport first thing in the morning. Separate (due to BSA rules) Young Eagles event immediately following. Very positive feedback.
Being an inactive flight instructor and an Eagle scout I volunteered to do the aviation merit badge for our scout troop next weekend.

I've read the requirements and they should be easy enough. Wondering if any of you have done this and have any pointers or online tips you can point me to.


I've done it a few times, at the time you had to be registered with the local BSA Council to instruct that merit badge. Simple paperwork with a local tropp to sponsor you.

There was a nice set of slides that someone had done on the internet before the requirements changed.

Visit to the airport, able to do a preflight and orientation ride and part of the requirements.

Took a glider to the Troop meeting for part of their "White wings" or "Paper wings" program to introduce the badge, and then those that wanted to pursue the badge did the rest of the requriements independently.
Thanks guys for the advice. I didn't know I had to be registered so I'm in the process of doing that. We will be doing it as a group (12 boys). I've elected to not fly for liability reasons but we'll do one of the other electives. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks!
Can't tell you about the boy scout badge, but the 99's here in the Chicago area do over a hundred girl scout badges at an annual aerospace badge day. The next one is in two weeks! Leslie or Elizabeth Hitchcock can tell you more about them. They set up about 6 or 8 stations, and rotate the girls among them. The stations range from history of flight (hosted by an Amelia Earheart impersonator), through aviation careers, space foods, reading a chart, aerodynamic principles through paper airplanes, and on to (this year) a tour of a 737 that United donated to Lewis University. Maybe next year they'll include one on how to go through a TSA checkpoint with a modicum of dignity! :)
Merit badge went great! Kids seemed to really enjoy it. I thought I could teach it in an hour but it took two. I might of got a little long winded but it felt good to teach aviation again.

After everyone left my son and I went up for a night flight. Fun Night!!