Aviation Extremist?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Nov 8, 2011
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If you have seen the show Whale Wars, you know that Sea Shepard does about whaling and other causes. If GA had a cause like this (such as user fees which we've already sent our message about through) would you take the same extreme action? I'm not in any way referring to or encouraging terrorism or terrorist acts/ using FAR 91.15 (best FAR ever ;) ) in our favor to cause harm to others. I mean doing extreme stuff that is annoying and a grey area of the law. I don't know of any one exact issue but this is hypothetical.


P.S.- Imagine those Vans RV's in their Vans AF paint dropping flour bombs...I'd stick with a J-3 and flour personally.
If you have seen the show Whale Wars, you know that Sea Shepard does about whaling and other causes. If GA had a cause like this (such as user fees which we've already sent our message about through) would you take the same extreme action? I'm not in any way referring to or encouraging terrorism or terrorist acts/ using FAR 91.15 (best FAR ever ;) ) in our favor to cause harm to others. I mean doing extreme stuff that is annoying and a grey area of the law. I don't know of any one exact issue but this is hypothetical.


P.S.- Imagine those Vans RV's in their Vans AF paint dropping flour bombs...I'd stick with a J-3 and flour personally.
Don't you DARE get us J-3 pilots in trouble... I'd stay FAR, FAR, FAR away from this, and being how aviation's a small community, would think anyone's longevity doing this with aircraft to be short.
If you have seen the show Whale Wars, you know that Sea Shepard does about whaling and other causes. If GA had a cause like this (such as user fees which we've already sent our message about through) would you take the same extreme action? I'm not in any way referring to or encouraging terrorism or terrorist acts/ using FAR 91.15 (best FAR ever ;) ) in our favor to cause harm to others. I mean doing extreme stuff that is annoying and a grey area of the law. I don't know of any one exact issue but this is hypothetical.


P.S.- Imagine those Vans RV's in their Vans AF paint dropping flour bombs...I'd stick with a J-3 and flour personally.

Try as we might our only defense is logic and common sense, not much public sympathy for you elite airplane owners occupying perfectly good development property and causing all sorts of annoying noise by flying around unrestricted with much more freedom and privileges than the guys who can only afford $50,000 pickups. Maybe if pilots were as cute as whales we'd have a point but a bunch of old, bald, slightly overweight, IT type pasty white dudes probably won't drum up a lot of sympathy with the public via civil disobedience.
I don't think that kind of confrontation is a good strategy for us. The analogy of environmentalists vs. the fishing industry doesn't fit, either.
The most effective tool I know of for preserving our right to fly is sharing our passion with the uninitiated, and educating them about the reality of GA and what it means to this country.
There's already a perception of pilots being some sort of aloof, elite fraternity... "copping an attitude" on top of that isn't going to help.
But I'm not suggesting we shouldn't stand firm, and fight when necessary.
Try as we might our only defense is logic and common sense, not much public sympathy for you elite airplane owners occupying perfectly good development property and causing all sorts of annoying noise by flying around unrestricted with much more freedom and privileges than the guys who can only afford $50,000 pickups. Maybe if pilots were as cute as whales we'd have a point but a bunch of old, bald, slightly overweight, IT type pasty white dudes probably won't drum up a lot of sympathy with the public via civil disobedience.

I am NOT overweight!
Any type of action by pilots using aircraft that even smells of something dangerous like dropping stuff, will be seen as terrorsim, and only add to our PR problem. It could even shut us down.

People are scared of little planes. They have been told by the media that they are extremely dangerous even when operated properly. A mass fly over, or airspace busts, etc will relegate us to sitting in the hangar making airplane noises instead of flying. If you think it can't happen, well it already did. After 9/11 GA was shut down. I forget for how long, but since I am based within 5 NM of a nuke plant, I got another month tacked on with no ability to fly my plane. It wasn't a very good feeling, and I don't want to go through that again, especially if caused by GA pilots trying to make a statement.
Any type of action by pilots using aircraft that even smells of something dangerous like dropping stuff, will be seen as terrorsim, and only add to our PR problem. It could even shut us down.

People are scared of little planes. They have been told by the media that they are extremely dangerous even when operated properly. A mass fly over, or airspace busts, etc will relegate us to sitting in the hangar making airplane noises instead of flying. If you think it can't happen, well it already did. After 9/11 GA was shut down. I forget for how long, but since I am based within 5 NM of a nuke plant, I got another month tacked on with no ability to fly my plane. It wasn't a very good feeling, and I don't want to go through that again, especially if caused by GA pilots trying to make a statement.

Honestly the media's portrayal of GA ****es me off. I saw a newscast a year or so ago and it was about a plane crash from a stall. I JUST got into aviation and had done stalls myself about a month earlier. The reporter said a stall is when the engine dies and that it's practiced by pilots all the time. :mad: The airplane then falls at a rapid rate until the stall is fixed...NOT AT ALL CORRECT!

I sent in emails, called, called/emailed/texted pilots I know to also contact the station but they never corrected it! I see how causing havoc in these "little" and "dangerous" airplanes makes us look like terrorists. I support AOPA to do the fighting though.
Since Sea Shepherd goes to sea, international waters, and there are no certificates, ATC, or permits involved, they can be confrontational...
Try that in general aviation and you will get y our 15 seconds of fame right before you get your 15 months in a federal prison...

old enough to be a realist
I sent in emails, called, called/emailed/texted pilots I know to also contact the station but they never corrected it! I see how causing havoc in these "little" and "dangerous" airplanes makes us look like terrorists. I support AOPA to do the fighting though.

There is no money in correcting errors. I learned years ago that a complete and total lack of understanding of the subject matter will NEVER stop TV news from saying whatever they think will fit in a 15 second attention span and sell commercial time. Just remember that experience whenever you watch them do a story about anything else... chances are v ery good they got that completely wrong too.

TV news reports, sadly, are generally about as fact-free as you're going to get.

As for aerial demonstrations, whether they include dropping things or not... sounds like an excellent way to get EVERYONE grounded. All it takes is one or two stupid stunts to get a knee-jerk overreaction, which is a government specialty.
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Always had the daydream of flying right over the Capital in a formation of aircraft spelling out "We Love the USA". Never happen, but a fella can dream.
Honestly the media's portrayal of GA ****es me off. I saw a newscast a year or so ago and it was about a plane crash from a stall. I JUST got into aviation and had done stalls myself about a month earlier. The reporter said a stall is when the engine dies and that it's practiced by pilots all the time. :mad: The airplane then falls at a rapid rate until the stall is fixed...NOT AT ALL CORRECT!

I sent in emails, called, called/emailed/texted pilots I know to also contact the station but they never corrected it! I see how causing havoc in these "little" and "dangerous" airplanes makes us look like terrorists. I support AOPA to do the fighting though.

The media's portrayal of anything that I'm half knowledgeable about ****es me off. I think it's kind of ironic that a fiction author or two floats through here every once and a while asking what makes sense and what doesn't, but I've yet to see one news reporter.
Dear friends.. I stood on my dads shoulders and looked out over the fence at a C-47 50 yrs ago and fell deeply inlove with aviation and later spent yrs working at that very same airport where I grew up for a Local area FBO at Westchester county air port in NY and over the yrs have noticed an awful crime taking place in the skys over our homes play grounds farms and schools where our kids go least of which has little to do with any Fee epidemic, But more to do with fellow aviation nuts like us, The toxic chemicals being sprayed in the skys which then filter downward moving thru all aspects of our enviroment effect us in manys way's , I've contacted many local and federal government agencys with zero luck and because I love my country WE MUST at the very least demand answers NO LONGER will we accept the bogus lie of "It's only contrails" because WE ALL KNOW it's so much more than that . So lets see if we can't appeal to the Pilots who are no doubt being paid with Tax dollars Let's ask them to please afford us the basic rerspect of at least being honest with whatever it is they are REALLY doing . you would have to be Butt ignorant NOT to know that whatever it is there doing has got to be Bad or they would Be milking it on FoxNews for every pennys worth .. SOO:yikes: YES it's way past time to let "THEM" know were mad as hell and NOT going to take it anymore..
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Dear friends.. I stood on my dads shoulders 50 yrs ago and fell deeply inlove with aviation and later spent yrs working at a Local area FBO at Westchester county air port in NY and over the yrs have noticed an awful Fee epidemic moving thru all aspects of our local and federal government and in every area of our once un cluttered lives..and YES it's way past time to let "THEM" know were mad as hell and NOT going to take it anymore..

They know, they don't care, because they are the uninformed general public. Going to "Whale Wars" tactics in US airspace will likely get those involved a free stay in jail and the rest of us all grounded and more bureaucracy than we pay for. Just look at the trouble a little overhead break causes...

Always had the daydream of flying right over the Capital in a formation of aircraft spelling out "We Love the USA". Never happen, but a fella can dream.

A departed friend of mine had a saying that would be good there too,

"We are not the enemy!"
Dear friends.. I stood on my dads shoulders and looked out over the fence at a C-47 50 yrs ago and fell deeply inlove with aviation and later spent yrs working at that very same airport where I grew up for a Local area FBO at Westchester county air port in NY and over the yrs have noticed an awful crime taking place in the skys over our homes play grounds farms and schools where our kids go least of which has little to do with any Fee epidemic, But more to do with fellow aviation nuts like us, The toxic chemicals being sprayed in the skys which then filter downward moving thru all aspects of our enviroment effect us in manys way's , I've contacted many local and federal government agencys with zero luck and because I love my country WE MUST at the very least demand answers NO LONGER will we accept the bogus lie of "It's only contrails" because WE ALL KNOW it's so much more than that .
Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? Ice cream, Mandrake? Children's ice cream!...You know when fluoridation began?...1946. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, and certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.