Aviation auction of the year?


Ejection Handle Pulled
Feb 23, 2008
Conway, MO
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This should be an easy drive for you boys in SE NE:


Rumor is that he was an instructor (professor?) of aeronautical engineering in California and roughly when he retired, the whole program closed down...25-30 years ago. Lots of planes and projects, but the real money is in the shop and heavy tools, which he bought from his former program for pennies on the dollar. Lathes to electronic milling setups.

(The above paragraph was brazenly stolen from the Comanche forum)
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I have heard bad things about this auction company, so buyer beware..
I have heard bad things about this auction company, so buyer beware..

I've been to one of their auctions. What you see is what you get. I didn't have any problem with how they did things. You just have to be smart and not fall in love with anything and not buy anything "hoping" it'll be a diamond in the rough. The expert recognize the diamonds and buy them. The guys who are "hoping for a diamond" usually get coal.
I think the tools and jigs are the diamonds...not the planes.
I think the tools and jigs are the diamonds...not the planes.

They may be the diamonds, but I'd bet you'll pay diamond prices for the good stuff. My limited experience with tooling leads me to believe that it is much like aircraft sales, the good stuff sells fast and brings premium prices while the undesirable, worn out junk doesn't.

I'd personally like to have the jigs but I'm betting they'll go for more than I want to pay for them.