Average recency/currency time?


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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I am around a 75 hour PP which is obviously low time. I usually fly once a week or a few times per month, however recently i have been out of town for a week and the wx has been bad. The last time i flew was September 27th, its been 16 days since i flew last which is about the longest time i have gone without flying. The last flight i did on the 27th was good and i felt good about it. Just curious as to how long some of you go between flights? I plan to fly this coming thursday which will make 19 days since my last flight.
I am around a 75 hour PP which is obviously low time. I usually fly once a week or a few times per month, however recently i have been out of town for a week and the wx has been bad. The last time i flew was September 27th, its been 16 days since i flew last which is about the longest time i have gone without flying. The last flight i did on the 27th was good and i felt good about it. Just curious as to how long some of you go between flights? I plan to fly this coming thursday which will make 19 days since my last flight.

In the winter I've had 2-3 month streaks of not being able to fly, generally due to winter weather up here in the Midwest. No daylight before/after work and inevitably when I have free time on the weekends the weather sucks, or when I don't have free time the weather is gorgeous.

During the rest of the year, however, I usually get in a flight or two per week on average.
In the winter I've had 2-3 month streaks of not being able to fly, generally due to winter weather up here in the Midwest. No daylight before/after work and inevitably when I have free time on the weekends the weather sucks, or when I don't have free time the weather is gorgeous.

During the rest of the year, however, I usually get in a flight or two per week on average.

Do you still feel competent when you do get a chance to fly? What is your TT?
Do you still feel competent when you do get a chance to fly? What is your TT?

I do if its just basic VFR flying. That long of a break (2-3 months) from instrument work? Different story.

I'm hovering around the 500TT mark now. When I received my Private, I likely wouldn't have felt as comfortable taking that break from flying. In my situation, though, I transitioned straight from Private Pilot to getting my Instrument/Commercial/CFI within a matter of 3 to 4 years, so there weren't very many breaks from flying during that period at all.
Do you still feel competent when you do get a chance to fly? What is your TT?

I take a couple of automobile trips a year that might keep me from flying for three to five weeks.

The night before my first flight I try to imagine the flight in as much detail as possible complete with anticipated radio communications and navigation decisions.

On my return I work my check lists extra hard and work harder at my procedures.

When I fly the next day I always feet like I am watching someone who knows what they are doing much better than I do on my first flight. The hands appear to belong to an experienced pilot, communications go well and I usually grease the landings.

If I felt uncomfortable I would probably get some time with a CFI because in my experience trepidation may cause a decrease in performance and all the time I have spent with a CFI has had value for my flying.

My total time is 1,500 hours. I have had this experience from around 50 hours to present.

Good luck!
You have to determine what you are comfortable with.
I'm averaging about 3 weeks between flights in the non-winter months. I've tried to focus on flying just one or two different tail numbers these days to be comfortable with the aircraft. Also stick to my personal minimums on weather if I'm going cross country VFR and don't do any night flights. I don't land on airfields less than 2600' in length. Most importantly, I make sure I have lots of time around my flight dates so I don't feel rushed and can take the time to do things right.

I usually stop flying over winter so when I return I do some work with a CFI before flying season.
A week or so and I start to feel odd about it.

Normally for work I'd get a flight within that range.

With my new personal plane I am trying to get out as much as I can and explore all the lakes before they freeze and I can't land on them.