Avatar for Eman_1200


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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Avatar for Eman1200

The guy needs an avatar (brought up in another thread)
Post an avatar here. Once a bunch have been posted, he picks 10 of them, we post a poll of those 10 and vote on them, he has to use it for x amount of time.

My submission:


No, joke, I photoshopped out his horse junk. I felt it took away from the performance. (no offense to those in the trans-gender thread)


  • horse1.jpg
    92.2 KB · Views: 234
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Re: Avatar for Eman1200

LOL. I'm in. And so far this is my #1 vote.
Re: Avatar for Eman1200

Promotes healthy eating, gender neutral... My submission...

My eyes! My eyes! Is the world still there? Can't see anything . . . .
Can't wait to vote,going to be a hard choice.
Where's overdrive?
We need at least one that wiggles
Wiggles huh? Hmm... I could probably pull off a few of these pics in a gif just one after the other but I don't have the software or artistic skills to do anything with them.

I was hoping for a video source :p that's super easy to gif-itize

My submission

No preview because it's that disturbing :rofl:
For no particular reason:




  • Bus_Stop_Leprechaun.jpg
    57.9 KB · Views: 135
He-man is... Eman1200


  • he-man-masters-of-the-universe-he-man-604199_500_768.jpg
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That's 12.
I say when we get to 20, he chooses 10 of the 20 and we vote on those 10

How long does he have to keep it. I was thinking a year but after seeing Hillary, I am thinking 3 months. I am not sure how long I can look at that thing.
Here's a happy kid:



  • fat-baby-plane.jpg
    31.6 KB · Views: 128
Eman likes to party?



  • lenexa-2010.jpg
    69.2 KB · Views: 127
I think this might be a winner!


  • Emo.jpg
    44.8 KB · Views: 48
May and might are both ways of expressing possibility. Is there a difference between the way in which they should be used?

Some people insist that you should use may (present tense) when talking about a current situation and might (past tense) when talking about an event that happened in the past. For example:

I may go home early if I’m tired. (present tense)
He might have visited Italy before settling in Nuremberg. (past tense)

In practice, this distinction is rarely made today and the two words are generally interchangeable:

I might go home early if I’m tired.
He may have visited Italy before settling in Nuremberg.

But there is a distinction between 'may have' and 'might have' in certain contexts. If the truth of a situation is still not known at the time of speaking or writing, either of the two is acceptable:

By the time you read this, he may have made his decision.
I think that comment might have offended some people.

If the event or situation referred to did not in fact occur, it's better to use 'might have'
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May and might are both ways of expressing possibility. Is there a difference between the way in which they should be used?

Some people insist that you should use may (present tense) when talking about a current situation and might (past tense) when talking about an event that happened in the past. For example:

I may go home early if I’m tired. (present tense)

He might have visited Italy before settling in Nuremberg. (past tense)

In practice, this distinction is rarely made today and the two words are generally interchangeable:

I might go home early if I’m tired.

He may have visited Italy before settling in Nuremberg.

But there is a distinction between 'may have' and 'might have' in certain contexts. If the truth of a situation is still not known at the time of speaking or writing, either of the two is acceptable:

By the time you read this, he may have made his decision.

I think that comment might have offended some people.

If the event or situation referred to did not in fact occur, it's better to use 'might have'

Ok 1) wow, and 2) in the south the say 'might can', as in "hey dude can u go get some beer?"......."I might can do that."

WTF kind of language is that?!?!
I live in Texas.

I've been told "You might live here, but you aint from here." I've been told that more than once.

(and I must confess that the May vs Might was a C&P from the potentially unreliable google machine)
Ok 1) wow, and 2) in the south the say 'might can', as in "hey dude can u go get some beer?"......."I might can do that."

WTF kind of language is that?!?!

That's called "normal talkin."

Where're you from, anyway?? You're obviously not from around here . . . :lol:

But you did get you a cool plane!:yes:
Looks like we need about 4 more entries.

Eman, once we have 20, pm me the post numbers from this thread of the 10 candidates and I will post a poll. There's a lot of solid choices here.

The inflatable sheep is hot
Ok 1) wow, and 2) in the south the say 'might can', as in "hey dude can u go get some beer?"......."I might can do that."

WTF kind of language is that?!?!

Im fixin to run down to the tom thumb...

Not sure if Im gonna need a buggy or not when i get to wally world...

Oh, god bless her heart...

Tell you what, I miss the south.

I heard that.
Im fixin to run down to the tom thumb...

Not sure if Im gonna need a buggy or not when i get to wally world...

Oh, god bless her heart...

Tell you what, I miss the south.

I heard that.

We can call buggies whatever we want. That's an Okie invention :wink2:
Every time I go flying it takes 15 minutes to clean all the buggies off of my plane ;(