AUS- General Aviation in Danger!


Management Council Member
Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler

GA won't go away altogether at Austin, after all, there has to be a way for the folks wishing to "influence" their legislators to come in on private jets. The Lege won't stand for complete elimination of GA, 'cause it will directly affect them.
I am not terribly worried about GA being completely gone, but this proposal places a 121 terminal right where the alleged "expansion" space for GA hangars was supposed to be.

In addition, of course, I can just imagine how much fun access to the field will be after this goes into effect.
In addition, of course, I can just imagine how much fun access to the field will be after this goes into effect.

We fly from a Class C, and the TSA has a good number of yearly hoops we must jump though to maintain our security badges and access cards.
Batches? We don' need no stinkin' BATCHES!! - Banditos in Blazing Saddles.
I'm President of the Chandelle Flying Club in Austin. We have two hangers, C2 and C4.

I think the proposed terminal would be located on the vacant land just south of our hangers. (The proposed area would also be a logical place to build more T-hangers, sigh). I can't believe they would just tear down the existing T-hangers and GA tiedown area, not to mention the brand new Temple-Inland Taj Mahal hanger.

I think there are better areas to locate a new passenger terminal, such as just north of the National Guard facility south of the maintenance ramp.
I'm President of the Chandelle Flying Club in Austin. We have two hangers, C2 and C4.

I think the proposed terminal would be located on the vacant land just south of our hangers. (The proposed area would also be a logical place to build more T-hangers, sigh). I can't believe they would just tear down the existing T-hangers and GA tiedown area, not to mention the brand new Temple-Inland Taj Mahal hanger.

I think there are better areas to locate a new passenger terminal, such as just north of the National Guard facility south of the maintenance ramp.

...could not agree more.

But you see where they are talking about putting it.

Bob: "Hey, GE Capital called, they said that they want to put a new terminal in the GA area, and I told them we couldn't because we made a commitment to the aviation community that Bergstrom would remain a good resource for Austin pilots."

Hank: "You're fired."