Attempted hack on the Board


Filing Flight Plan
Dec 30, 2012
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Hi All,

I just received a notification that a clown has tried to force his way into my account in this forum. He tried to log in at least 5 times and the forum blocked him from further attempts, at least for the time being.

FWIT, the clown's IP address was (not that those types can't change IPs at will, but anyway).

Just a heads-up.
Hi All,

I just received a notification that a clown has tried to force his way into my account in this forum. He tried to log in at least 5 times and the forum blocked him from further attempts, at least for the time being.

FWIT, the clown's IP address was (not that those types can't change IPs at will, but anyway).

Just a heads-up.

How can we be sure this is really you posting?
First post in three years Ago? Holly sleeper cell, Batman!!!

How can we be sure this is really you posting?


I understand the skepticism, but this is really me (if there is any way of saying this that makes sense). :)

I did sign up a long time ago more to lurk and recall things of days long gone than anything else. So I guess a short intro is in order. I was licensed in Brazil in 1985, got the commercial, IFR, multi and CFI ratings shortly after. Worked a few years as an instructor, had medical problems, stopped flying, managed to re-validate the medical many years later and from there went on flying as a hobby as long as $$$ allowed. I currently work with IT and for now flying is limited to RC models.

And today, years after signing up here, I get this email from pilotsofamerica:

Dear brunobl,

Someone has tried to log into your account on Pilots of America Message Board with an incorrect password at least 5 times. This person has been prevented from attempting to login to your account for the next 15 minutes.

The person trying to log into your account had the following IP address:

All the best,
Pilots of America Message Board

The veracity of the message can easily be verified with the forum administrators if that should be necessary.

Not trying to start anything here, this was just an honest attempt to provide you guys with a heads-up.

Kind regards to all,
..Back to lurking.
Thanks for the heads up. Welcome
Same thing happened to me.
I have never actually posted anything. Some whacko got my name / pass and went nuts.

I am changing my password.

Back to lurking also.
Same thing happened to me.
I have never actually posted anything. Some whacko got my name / pass and went nuts.

I am changing my password.

Back to lurking also.

Oh come on now, it really wasn't that hard to figure out.
I'm on another vbulletin board where the admin has been going nuts patching due to login attempts generated from, as I understand it, a stolen list of email addresses from the system? If I'm completely off base on this, then ... meh, what's new? Only enough brain cells active to deal with the latest crisis in front of me - one at a time lately.
Or somebody thought they registered with the same username as you? Happens all the time.

It's not always malice. Never forget Hanlon's razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
Hi All,

I just received a notification that a clown has tried to force his way into my account in this forum. He tried to log in at least 5 times and the forum blocked him from further attempts, at least for the time being.

FWIT, the clown's IP address was (not that those types can't change IPs at will, but anyway).

Just a heads-up.

You most likely use the same email to log onto a different forum which did get hacked. They tried to use your credentials for that board on several other places to include your actual email account.

There's a number of people who use the same password, email combo on everything thing they do on the internet which is general how their Facebook, Yahoo, and profiles get 'hacked'.
I am curious, what would a hacker do with someone's login to POA?? Make obnoxious posts? Talk about taking off from a treadmill? Join the Spin Zone and drive the conservatives or liberals crazy??
I understand hacking someone's email or bank account, but POA? :dunno:
I am curious, what would a hacker do with someone's login to POA?? Make obnoxious posts? Talk about taking off from a treadmill? Join the Spin Zone and drive the conservatives or liberals crazy??
I understand hacking someone's email or bank account, but POA? :dunno:

It's just a bot trying usernames it finds on the site. Not a big deal. If your password is strong there's no way in hell it will ever get in by brute forcing.
Same thing happened to me.
I have never actually posted anything. Some whacko got my name / pass and went nuts.

I am changing my password.

Back to lurking also.

I've always been a bit suspicious... :yesnod:

BTW, someone tried to access my account last week. I guess we're just a special bunch here.