ATC Cover up at Chicago TRACON (C90)


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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Managers at an FAA radar facility handling flights into and out of Chicago's airports are under investigation over allegations they covered up air-traffic control errors, authorities said Wednesday.

The U.S. Department of Transportation's inspector general's office confirmed the probe focuses on if supervisors at the Federal Aviation Administration radar facility in Elgin underreported air-safety violations by controllers. Investigators are looking into whether the controller errors were instead blamed on pilots or simply ignored, officials said.

The controller errors under investigation involved failures to precisely maintain the required spacing between airplanes taking off or landing at O'Hare International Airport, Midway Airport and smaller area airports.,0,2721803.story

The approach control we all love to hate, but even I would hope that these allegation prove to be untrue.
C'Mon Scott we all know it's because Chicago is the one spot on the planet that doesn't have the time or the staffing to deal with all of those pesky little airplanes.

Oh. Wait.
C90. The most corrupt tracon on the planet. "Whatever we say goes. No I didn't "clear" you but you were to fly into the Bravo anyway". Bull__it!