ATC ask me if I was looking for flight following


Pattern Altitude
Apr 16, 2012
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It was beautiful here in SE Ohio today with a tight pressure gradient. Good day for flying and xw practice. No TFR's on FAA site, Foreflight or Stratus ADSB in the area. Departed on CTAF, switched to nearest APP freq 30 nm away just to monitor for my short 25 minute flight at 3K. Then I hear, "Aircraft at 3000, 10 nm N of XXX VOR". I thought, oh jeez, Obama came to town. Nope, they were just wondering if I needed services. That has to be a first. He was in training along with a girl. They were real nice and I went ahead and utilized their services. I usually don't for short, under 3K, no destination, with winds gusting to 20+ kts, turbulent days. Hope you guys got some air under your wings today.
I'm just east of KPIT and I canceled a flight today because of forecasted 34kn gusts. I haven't flown much lately and didn't think that was the best wx to get back up there. As it turns out, I probably would've had time to get the flight in before the winds really picked up, but better safe than sorry. Was it bumpy out your way? One of our instructors went up about the time I would've been and she said it was bumpy as hell.
Yes, solo, beat me up pretty good. Especially on landing. Touched down 2500' of the way down our 5000' runway. A steady 25 kt direct xw was pretty easy using full rudder deflection in the flare, but watch out when the AWOS says 9G22kts. Let's say my controls and me got a workout. I not only did it once, after getting it stabilized, took off and did it again. Called it quits after second workout. Glad I was not in the old 172. The line guy said nobody else was out and he noticed that I was having a good time.
I commend that controller Wayne was talking to for taking the initiative. Sometimes we pilots forget that flight following is not only good for pilots, it makes life easier for controllers, too. They can find out what you're planning to do and work everything else accordingly. Flying into Lakewood NJ this evening, McGuire Approach and I were watching a blip about four miles in front of me headed the same way but a bit lower. It seemed to be heading for Lakewood, but we couldn't be sure. Eventually I kicked over to CTAF and found it was a Mooney shooting the RNAV approach in front of me. As a result, I was able to plan my arrival spaced nicely behind him -- touched down as he turned off. Had the Mooney pilot been talking to McGuire, it would have made life easier for both the controller and me. No real safety issue, just a matter of courtesy, comfort and convenience.

BTW, the ride was pretty nice down low over central NJ today.
Then I hear, "Aircraft at 3000, 10 nm N of XXX VOR". I thought, oh jeez, Obama came to town. Nope, they were just wondering if I needed services. That has to be a first.

No doubt. In twenty years of flying I've never heard ATC blindly offer advisory services to VFR targets. Once, as a VFR off on my own not talking to ATC but monitoring the frequency, I heard the controller point me out as traffic to someone he was working. I spoke up, verified my altitude and picked up advisories. Controller was a little surprised to hear me speak up.
No doubt. In twenty years of flying I've never heard ATC blindly offer advisory services to VFR targets. Once, as a VFR off on my own not talking to ATC but monitoring the frequency, I heard the controller point me out as traffic to someone he was working. I spoke up, verified my altitude and picked up advisories. Controller was a little surprised to hear me speak up.
I've had the same situation. My flying is around a busy Class C and if I'll be skirting their airspace I'll give 'em a call and ask if they want to give me a code. More often than not they do and thank me for the call up.
I'll usually tune in to PVD/BDL/ISP Approach even if I have no intention of requesting FF. I've heard alerts about me, but never been blindly called and it's fairly busy up here all the time.
I'll usually tune in to PVD/BDL/ISP Approach even if I have no intention of requesting FF. I've heard alerts about me, but never been blindly called and it's fairly busy up here all the time.

Yep, same here. I have heard traffic calls about me, but never called directly like that. I guess it helps their numbers too. I do believe in getting FF on all xc flights unless deviating for wx or short little xc in low traffic areas. Then I spend more time telling them my intentions instead of flying the plane and watching the weather. Very little VFR traffic is usually out when it is turbulent, rainy or ceilings under 2500'.
If it was a training day and was quiet, that's probably why they asked if you were interested. Quiet training days aren't very useful to the trainee.
Once, as a VFR off on my own not talking to ATC but monitoring the frequency, I heard the controller point me out as traffic to someone he was working. I spoke up, verified my altitude and picked up advisories.
That has happened to me, too. When I get pointed out, I hit IDENT and then call in.

I am a believer in FF, but occasionally when I am just out for a short hop in the local area I don't get it. But then I usually monitor Approach.

As far as unasked-for FF, I have had the reverse happen. I once called in with "N12345 ... Request" and got "Unable flight following" without even having made the request. The frequency was not that busy either. Kansas City TRACON.
I enjoy using flight following ,if it gets to busy I just cancel and go VFR . Good practice for both the pilot and controller.
No doubt. In twenty years of flying I've never heard ATC blindly offer advisory services to VFR targets. Once, as a VFR off on my own not talking to ATC but monitoring the frequency, I heard the controller point me out as traffic to someone he was working. I spoke up, verified my altitude and picked up advisories. Controller was a little surprised to hear me speak up.

The only thing I ever had like that was shooting some practice approaches at Long Beach and being asked if I wanted to shoot some PARs at Los Alamitos so they could get some currency. "Sure, sounds like fun"
No doubt. In twenty years of flying I've never heard ATC blindly offer advisory services to VFR targets. Once, as a VFR off on my own not talking to ATC but monitoring the frequency, I heard the controller point me out as traffic to someone he was working. I spoke up, verified my altitude and picked up advisories. Controller was a little surprised to hear me speak up.

Had that happen to me once.

But sometimes when I call up "Whatever" Approach, they just respond with "Bonanza 18P, Squawk 1234" I don't have to offer up the "Requesting blah blah blah". And on the ground KSFF, They'll ask if you want hooked up with FF.