ATC Archie League Awards For Assisting Pilots In Distress

"Listen the last man that said that to me was Archie Leach just a week before he cut his throat.
It is good to be reminded about these remarkable professionals. I have received nothing but good service over the years (with one notable exception, but all that one cost me is time).
Thanks for posting this, it was a great conference.
Nice. Not to detract anything from the event, the controller did great, so did the pilot, but the article is mistitled, this was not a "no gyro approach". This was guiding a VFR pilot trapped on top of a layer to a runway with a fully functional aircraft, he just didn't hav the requisite knowledge. Luckily he had the hood time in his training and the controller provided him the knowledge he needed. The system worked.
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Nice. Not to detract anything from the event, the controller did great, so did the pilot, but the article is mistitled, this was not a "no gyro approach". This was guiding a VFR pilot trapped on top of a layer to a runway with a fully functional aircraft, he just didn't hav the requisite knowledge. Luckily he had the hood time in his training and the controller provided him the knowledge he needed. The system worked.

I think the article is referring to the second story of the Saratoga getting no gyro vectors for the ILS.
It's good to recognize the work controllers do. They seldom get the recognition they deserve.