Aspen 1000 PFD


Pattern Altitude
Jul 5, 2013
Northern NV
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While my plane undergoing a new metal panel...

1. Swapping GNS530W for GTN750
2. Swapping GEM610 for JPI830
3. Adding STEC-901 GPSS to my STEC-30*

*unless I add an Aspen 1000 PFD (see below).

Looking for user feedback on the Aspen. My Nav/Com2 is a KX155 and KI209 indicator (no glideslope). I gather that with the Aspen I would be able to remove my main NAV1 indicator (GI106A). Is there a way to have both the Aspen and GI106A display the localizer/glideslope? My GI106A will be hooked to the GTN750.

How does the GPSS in the Aspen compare to the STEC-901? A friend has a STEC 55X and says that it's GPSS is "more aggressive" than the GPSS in the Aspen.

So I am considering an Aspen while my who panel is opened up anyway and looking for feedback.

Any other gotcha on the Aspen - I like redundancy and the mechanical instruments seem to have fewer "single points of failure".
While my plane undergoing a new metal panel...

Looking for user feedback on the Aspen. My Nav/Com2 is a KX155 and KI209 indicator (no glideslope). I gather that with the Aspen I would be able to remove my main NAV1 indicator (GI106A). Is there a way to have both the Aspen and GI106A display the localizer/glideslope? My GI106A will be hooked to the GTN750.

I believe they are physically capable of doing that, the question is if its an approved configuration in the STC. If not, a seperate approval would be needed.

I just got a field approval to install a G5 in parallel with the G106A, tho they do not use the same wired interface. I needed that because the STC'ed G5 requires removal of my existing GI106A.
I've got a CDI driven by an SL-30 paralleled with the Aspen. Of course anything compatible with an SL-30 is incompatible with the GNS navigators so I don't know if that info helps.

The GPSS is certainly adequate but I have no idea about any aggressive tendencies. It always does exactly what I tell it even if I don't realize I've told it something. It has never talked back or argued with me. ;)

For my system the maximum turn rate is set up during autopilot calibration and that is going to be the limit on what GPSS can do. At least I think that is how it works. It is mostly majic and sometimes it's a good majic show and sometimes it's not so good. It does do a good job on RNAV and ILS approaches. It doesn't like to try to fly the missed approach if ya leave the autopilot in localizer mode. It gets real confused...but it didn't get aggressive.
My GI106A will be hooked to the GTN750.

Hook up the GTN750 to the Aspen and remove/sell your GI106A. For redundancy, you have the CDI on the GTN750 itself plus your KX155/KI209.

Any other gotcha on the Aspen - I like redundancy and the mechanical instruments seem to have fewer "single points of failure".

You will have plenty of redundancy with the Aspen and no single points of failure.
  • You are required to have redundant ASI, AI, Altimeter. You'll need to keep your turn coordinator for your STEC 30.
  • CDI on GTN750 and Nav2/KI209
  • TRK/DTK on GTN750
  • Internal battery
That leaves heading which is backed up by your whiskey compass like before. Of course, your pitot tube (and maybe static port) are still single points of failure.

Since Oshkosh is coming around, you should be able to negotiate for a show special. They will often bring the price down and toss in their software unlocks (AOA, SV). Though, I find the synthetic vision difficult to use in real life. It's pretty, but it makes me a bit nauseous if I'm using it for IFR and I prefer the standard blue/brown AI.

Other gotchas:
  • The flush mount is an add-on. Make sure you ask your installer to include it in your panel estimate if you want it.
  • If you get SV and want to keep the terrain db up-to-date, it's not part of the Garmin or Jepp bundles. It's a new subscription.
  • If you want to integrate with a Garmin transponder for ADS-B-in, there's an unlock. I think it's $600 (or more?). You don't need it though -- the GTN750 or an ipad is a fine ADS-B-in display.
Since my KI209 does not have glideslope, is there any way to display glideslope on the 750? If not, why not?
Since my KI209 does not have glideslope, is there any way to display glideslope on the 750? If not, why not?
Do you have the GTN simulator? It a free iPad app from Garmin.
Yes, but like the 530, I am pretty sure thre is no glideslope display.

Which means if an Aspen failure you're mins go up a little to the LOC or GPS mins? Personally, I'd divert before I'd shoot an approach on the 430W CDI page.
Which means if an Aspen failure you're mins go up a little to the LOC or GPS mins? Personally, I'd divert before I'd shoot an approach on the 430W CDI page.
Naw, that's what the nav connected to the CDI is for.
The Aspen is a good unit. Proper install is critical. Mine worked flawlessly. SVT on the small screen at the price is a no-go from my perspective. Screen too small. GPS steering never failed me. I kept a backup 206A and used both during approaches. Ads-b traffic and weather on a small screen - screen is very busy.

I found it very user friendly. Options like SVT and AOA are pricey. Know that going in.
I have Aspen PFD for about 7 years now. GPSS steering function works good on this unit in conjuction with GNS 530. I do not know how an aggressive GPSS will make difference. It doesn't lag the turn for sure. Initially they had lots of issues with AHRS and antenna ( I was one of the first one had to deal with those things ) but I heard they have ironed it out. One of the thing I do not like and one should be aware of is that Aspen in not totally electronic unit and it does get inputs from pitot static system so if pitot gets iced up or gets blocked, Aspen will not work
I saw the Aspen Pro 1000 is on special for Oshkosh for $9995 including ADS-b and SVT, I don't know if that's a good deal or not, but it sounds like less than I paid 6 years ago without ADS-B or SVT.
Wow share some pics! I love seeing new avionics in planes!
While my plane undergoing a new metal panel...

1. Swapping GNS530W for GTN750
2. Swapping GEM610 for JPI830
3. Adding STEC-901 GPSS to my STEC-30*

*unless I add an Aspen 1000 PFD (see below).

Looking for user feedback on the Aspen. My Nav/Com2 is a KX155 and KI209 indicator (no glideslope). I gather that with the Aspen I would be able to remove my main NAV1 indicator (GI106A). Is there a way to have both the Aspen and GI106A display the localizer/glideslope? My GI106A will be hooked to the GTN750.

How does the GPSS in the Aspen compare to the STEC-901? A friend has a STEC 55X and says that it's GPSS is "more aggressive" than the GPSS in the Aspen.

So I am considering an Aspen while my who panel is opened up anyway and looking for feedback.

Any other gotcha on the Aspen - I like redundancy and the mechanical instruments seem to have fewer "single points of failure".

I am far from 100% certain, but the Aspen GPSS is digital, the STEC-901 is analogue, the STEC 55X and the STEC30 are analogue. The analogue autopilots play better with analogue GPSS.
Our flying club had a 182 with an S-TEC 50 with the S-TEC GPSS.
Now, we have an R182 with an S-TEC 60-2 with an Aspen.
Both had a G430W.

I can't tell the difference in the GPSS. They both make the turn right when the 430W tells them to, and they both roll out perfectly on the new course.