Are You Entitled to Hear a Click?



Apparently, some think you are...

Should Camera Phones Be Required To 'Click'?

Here's an interesting tidbit. A new bill has been put before Congress that would require camera phones to make a noise or "click" whenever they are used to take a picture. The idea is to make it clear to everyone in the vicinity that the camera phone is being use as a camera. Is this really necessary?

Lawmakers hope to thwart picture-taking evil-doers.

The Camera Phone Predator Alert Act "requires any mobile phone containing a digital camera to sound a tone whenever a photograph is taken with the camera's phone. Prohibits such a phone from being equipped with a means of disabling or silencing the tone. Treats the requirement as a consumer product safety standard and requires enforcement by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)."
This is plain nuts. So, if an existing phone does not click or is disabled from doing so, will they establish a limit by which that phone must be exchanged for one that does?

The only thing my phone doesn't do well is take pictures. But, I'm not sure any airplanes I've photographed on the ramp would complain of its picture being taken.
Meh, this is old news. I've heard about this for the last 5 years, and I can only assume it keeps failing.

I assume if it passes, there will be the same attitude as guns: Prelaw phones will not be required to have the click.
I like Gizmodo's take on it...

There is a practically unlimited supply of existing, silent-mode-enabled cameras that are available to anyone who wants them, not to mention the fact that many cameraphones have video modes, which present a problem that couldn't really be solved short of requiring handsets to scream "HEY NAKED KIDS, I'M TAKING A VIDEO RIGHT NOW SO YOU SHOULD PROBABLY GO GET YOUR PARENTS" on loop for the duration of the recording.

Your move, legislators. :rofl:
Just for argument's sake lets look at the downside ( beyond the obvious stupidity) Camera phones are increasingly used to gather evidence. So picture so Dylan Klebold type with a gun in school and some kid trys to get a cell phone photo or video to send to cops ( yea its been done)

And the kid with the gun hears "click" mmmmm whats he gonna do? we also require that all video recorders issue a periodic "beep" or some such nonsense?

The inmates are running the asylum.
Me thinks someone got caught dipping his pen in the wrong ink well and didn't notice the cellphone photographer there.
We've worked several cases involving complainants who gathered invaluable evidence with a cell phone camera/video camera and then filed a complaint with us. I certainly hope this doesn't pass! Nothing makes a dope deal go south faster than the sound of a "click". ANY click! :D
I was doing a photo shoot of famed rocker Jay Geils, in concert. It was by his request, though he was performing at a charity function. And I had his permission to move about for angles, as long as I didn't block audience views.(Well, I wasn't born yesterday)

I got some dynamite shots during the first set. However, during the intermission the charity organizer told me to stop taking pictures "because the patrons were complaining about the click of the camera." $5000 worth of body and lens around my neck(and no flash); the manufacturer is expected to produce a shhhhsilent camera?
Give me a break!

Me thinks someone got caught dipping his pen in the wrong ink well and didn't notice the cellphone photographer there.

If one would quit doing despicable underhanded things, others would quit taking pictures of one. :nono:

Eh. Phone cameras are junk at best. If I'm going for a picture, I'll aim $800+ of camera at you and pop the flash in your face if necessary.