Are asian pilots as poor pilots as they are drivers?

I went to high school with a guy named Vince. He was a stupid, farm boy, dickwad. He got run over by a combine when he was 19 while masturbating in the corn.

Therefore, I must believe that all guys named Vince are dumb dickwads who love to masturbate.

Dude. Who knew we could clean up all the mental masturbation in SZ by just getting a combine!? :)
That combine crap is bulls1ht! You have to keep picking up your magazines and moving to the next row over! :mad3:
I never heard someone say: "I'm a bad driver" It seems like it's always the other persons fault. Sometimes people need to look into the mirror.

And if you need to ask, No I am not Asian!
95% of the drivers anywhere are above average, just ask them!
Hey Vince ! when I was 7 or 8 year old growing up in Asia I always thought all Americans were "Tarzan " living in Trees ! I guess you must have been one of them !

Rather be Tarzan then one of those guys running from Godzilla.:lol:
Asian drivers are notoriously poor drivers. Does this spill over to aviation?

Now before anyone starts a rant about racism, this does NOT include asian americans who have grown up here or fully assimilated and drive just the same if not better than mainstream.

There is something about the various asian cultures that makes them very poor car drivers and you all know what I mean.

I don't know that you can generalize about such matters - other than to say that many in asia are pretty awful. You need to consider each country separately. For example, Japan and Singapore drivers are pretty competent (disciplined) IMHO. Other asian countries less so. The wildest cab ride I ever had was in Taiwan. Another time I hired a car with driver to tour Bali. That guy wouldn't slow down despite my repeated requests (and landed us in a ditch - fortunately upright). Soon a crowd formed - and they picked up the micro van and put it back on the road!. The driver was ****ed off when I refused to give him a tip afterwards. YMMV.

No personal experience with asian pilots - but I did read somewhere that the British had an awful time trying to train Malays to fly back in the '40s - 50s.

Oh boo hoo! Somebody got in your way and didn't drive the "correct speed" according to you. I'll bet you got right up on their bumper and flashed your high beams and they were just too stupid to figure that one out, right? They must not have gotten the memo about the road belonging to you and universe revolving around you. Phone or no phone, you just suck.

Actually, the issue here is not speed; it is right of way. If one drives on a divided highway, in the left lane, and someone comes up from behind, the guy in front is obligated to yield right of way (move right) without regard to what his speed is. This assumes, of course, that he is not engaged in passing another vehicle to the right. Those who are "station keeping" (driving the same speed as the traffic to the right) and are thus stopping traffic behind from being able to proceed, are the problem, full stop. It is behavior like this that produces a huge proportion of highway accidents.


And, I have never known any insurance carrier which collected any information about the race of insureds, for any purpose. It would be suspect behavior, I think.
Kamikaze pilots were not senior, most were kids. The senior Japanese combat aviators were all dead by the end of the war and the desperation of Kamikaze. Many died in the battle of Midway, the rest were wiped out in an afternoon at the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot.
Those who are "station keeping" (driving the same speed as the traffic to the right) and are thus stopping traffic behind from being able to proceed, are the problem, full stop. It is behavior like this that produces a huge proportion of highway accidents.

Oh. Brother.:rolleyes2:
The pilot community is generally a great group of people and that's one of the reasons why I love GA so much. Let's not let the OP prove "one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch".
*All* bad driving comes from Cumberland County NC.

It is our #1 export.

If you see a *iss poor driver, chances are that that driver has some connection to Cumberland County NC.