AOPA now funded by Lockheed Martin ad revenue


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 5, 2007
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Cowboy - yeehah!
I've had my ups and downs with AOPA since 1979 when I first joined, but there was always a fighting spirit, and AOPA was a force to be delt with in matters of aviation. With the advent of 'The Phil', the voice has been one of recconciliation, and play nice, go along to get along.

Yesterday they unvieled a new web page, which is ok looking, has some good parts and some bad. However, it's the first time I've EVER seen AOPA endorse LM takeover of FSS.

Of all places, right in the 'Government Advocacy' tab comes puff advertising about LM, and a bunch of ego pages telling us how great LM is doing. It's surely 1984, and this is 'newspeak'. Up is down, wet is dry, bad service is really good service.

Note, there is no useful content like where to complain about lousy service, phone contact numbers for FSS(they're all closed, and shut down anyway), it's just toothy grins, and busy people in well-lit breezy offices.

The Phil told us he was going to get relief from congress if it wasn't fixed by July. Well, maybe he meant July 2011?

The whole deal makes me want to shower.

<rant off>
uh weren't you paying attention when the contract was out for bid? AOPA has always been a proponent for the contract FSS. they thought it would be better.
uh weren't you paying attention when the contract was out for bid? AOPA has always been a proponent for the contract FSS. they thought it would be better.
That is very true. I seem to recall however, that AOPA recently stated that they were wrong on that decision.

I am just wondering though if they are courting corporate sponsors what their new focus will be? Are they trying to take over what the NBAA covers?
uh weren't you paying attention when the contract was out for bid? AOPA has always been a proponent for the contract FSS. they thought it would be better.

Yep, and I disagreed with that position back then. Get with the modern era, AOPA has been against the LM contract since a few days before it was signed. Not enough contract limits, too much freedom, no staffing requirements, no call hold time specified, etc. The have not always been a proponent for a while now.
I must amend my rant some. I did drill into the LM site and found some phone numbers for 'managers'. So, when my pone briefer just said five minutes ago: '<expletive>, everything just went down, call back.' Click. I decided to call the number in the link from good ole AOPA. Guess what, not the person who's listed, and it's voicemail!

That should get me safely in the air..... NOT!
Morre good news. In order to leave feedback at the AFSS site, you now must 'register' and give personal information. You can't leave feedback until you sign-up and then login. No effin' way am I giving LM personal info, not even my email.
My October column plays on a tale I've told here before:

Double Standards
The ugly truth is that the FAA does not hold itself to the standards we must meet

As pilots we hold ourselves to a certain standard of proficiency. The aircraft we fly are maintained above a threshold of repair. Everything aviation related is measured against a benchmark, and woe unto he who comes up short.
Cruising in the flight levels at more than 200 knots or shooting an approach in poor weather in the dead of night are hardly places anyone wants to be when their skill or equipment is found wanting. Just to make the stakes even more interesting, the FAA is always there, looking over your shoulder, holding the power to make your life miserable should any shortcomings appear.

Why, then, is the FAA itself not held to the same standards?

Case in point is the conversion from FAA-run Flight Service Stations to Lockheed-Martin’s contracted-out, uh, product. The stories are legion, and to that pile I add one of my own.

I was flying from Jacksonville to Fort Lauderdale one morning, and, like an idiot I had missed my routine of getting a briefing and filing my flight plan by DUAT the night before, which I would then update just before departure. I was under a little time pressure and so rather than boot the computer I decided to file from the car while driving to the airport.

Big mistake.

I got what is now the obligatory 20-minute hold, during which time I realized I had left my headset at home and so I returned to get it. Still on hold, I started back to the airport. Finally, a briefer came on the line.
He apologized and said he was “on a backup of a backup system” and he wasn’t sure what he could do for me, but he would try. OK. I gave him my route and asked for a standard briefing. I heard a few keystrokes and he said, “Now, the information I’m about to give you is not for navigation. It says that in big red letters here.”

As he switched from link to link on his computer, he told me stories about his life in the military living in Jacksonville, but that was a while ago and he’s heard it’s grown a lot singe then.

Can we get back to the briefing?

The weather was relatively benign, but my departure airport was IMC and scheduled to remain so for the next hour or two. There was no heavy fog, just low ceilings and low visibility. Once above the layer, it looked like smooth sailing, although he couldn’t give me winds aloft.

Then he gave me this gem: “Any Notams I could give you would be unreliable. I suggest you check them before you leave.” By now, of course, I was at the hangar waiting to get off the phone to open the door.
“I suppose you want to file a flight plan?” he asked.

“Yes I do.”

“Well, I’m not sure if it will take it. You’d probably be better off to air file.”
Did I mention the departure airport was IMC? The fog and ceilings weren’t horrible, but there was no way I was going to take off VFR.

As it turned out, the computer did accept my flight plan and I hung up and prepared to fly. Since I figured I’d have a few minutes before my clearance would make it into the system, I used the time to review the XM weather on my yoke-mounted Garmin 496, with which I gave myself a DUAT-style briefing to confirm what the FSS had given me.

Have we come that far – that a non-IFR-approved handheld GPS/weather receiver does a better job of supplying weather briefings than the official FAA-sanctioned preflight briefing source. Oops, make that the unofficial FAA-sanctioned preflight briefing source, I suppose.

The FAA, in response to Lockheed Martin’s startup issues, has denied certain performance bonuses, but otherwise has resisted any public action that’s in any way proportionate to the risk – both legally and safety-oriented – that pilots are subjected to when they use the FAA’s primary “legal” briefing system. Do you think the FAA would tolerate such a lack of diligence on the part of the pilot or aircraft owner?

As a postscript, at the end of the day I was checking my email and I got this from an AOPA email:

"Software Update Temporarily Takes Down Flight Service

"Pilots had a difficult time getting through to a briefer or filing a flight plan Thursday morning after Lockheed Martin updated software throughout the system. Lockheed officials told AOPA that the software had worked fine in tests but failed under the load of pilots calling for their morning briefings. By midday the system was mostly restored. If you encounter a problem with flight service, log your complaint on the flight service comment line 888/FLT-SRVC."

We pilots hold ourselves and our equipment above reproach, thanks in large part to the combination of the safety carrot and the FAA stick. Too bad the other guys don’t seem to share our conscientious attitude.
Have we come that far – that a non-IFR-approved handheld GPS/weather receiver does a better job of supplying weather briefings than the official FAA-sanctioned preflight briefing source. Oops, make that the unofficial FAA-sanctioned preflight briefing source, I suppose.

basically, yes
Thanks Ken, it's good to know I feel the same as most other here.

I went back and found the FAA recommended email to report FSS problems. Luckily, I saved a copy of my last few hassles.

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I recommend this rather than anything sponsored, touched, evaluated, or managed by LM. It's like the fox guarding the hens.
I just turned off the auto-renewal. Mine runs out in a few months. I did have a nice back-and-forth email with Phil, but he's not gonna back down and admit a mistake. Hey, where have I seen that before?

I've gotten decent service and quick response when I've called DUATS lately, although I know that the system was poor when it first stood up.

As for AOPA, I still think the magazine is worth the price of membership, even if they did NOTHING else. Phil's management of AOPA and cultivating relationships even when you have disagreements with others is the main reason that AOPA hasn't been marginalized or completely mislabelled in the way the NRA has.

So, I think AOPA does a good job, and makes wise choices overall. If you want an organization that has a "no surrender, not an inch" mentality, you can start one. Be prepared for it to be small and not very effective.
I'm not thrilled in the AOPA response to this. It does appear they are caving and ad dollars appear to have something to do with it although there's no clear proof of this.

But, we can't have a "single-issue" aviation organization any more than we can have a single-issue for deciding who we choose for President. I think it needs to be a wait-and-see for now.
I did have a nice back-and-forth email with Phil....

Hi Doc! I haven't been flying enough to have any useful opinion on LM taking over FSS. I do know they just opened a REALLY nice facility just north of me, though it's in an industrial park instead of on the airport at Meacham--no more walking in for in-person briefings.

What you stated above has been true for me too, and has impressed me. I can email PHIL and he'll reply--personally--and quickly. I can't think of any other large organization where I can get a personal audience and reply from the man at the top. And even if he doesn't agree with what I say, I respect that, and I'm glad to see you got the same from him.

As others have stated (the magazine, legal services, discounted renter's insurance, pilot support line, lobbying, tfr info, etc.), there are a lot of other features I'll continue to be happy to pay for.

I don't agree with everything they do (especially not giving me the sweepstakes plane for 10 years in a row now!! what's up with that?!) but overall I'm satisfied with what I get from them.
With all due respect, y'all - it doesn't matter ONE LITTLE BIT if aopa gets ad revenue from lockmart. ALL that matters is whether aopa's STANCE changes as a result of that revenue. Yeah, I'd be suspicious if one day they're proclaiming against this FSS debacle and the day after lockmart buys ads, aopa is starts saying all is well.

The fact that aopa has a lockmart ad ONLY means that lockmart has wised up and recognises the need for some positive public relations efforts.

In other IOW, it ain't who AOPA sells ads to that matters - it's what AOPA has to say about things that matters.
Not trying to be argumentative, Troy, just throwing a hypothetical.

The NRA has a really nice magazine, cool window sticker, and a lot of other beneficial stuff for gun owners. If the NRA started backing restrictive gun laws, would it still be worth it to be a member?

The point behind AOPA is to be an organization that will fight to defend our ability to fly safely. They are not a magazine organization or a cheap insurance organization, but an organization that is meant to lobby for us, not against us. Getting in bed with LM is a slap in the face to GA pilots.
Yeah, well that would be a reasonable argument if AOPA were to start carrying Safe Skies propaganda. They really ARE an organization that's against us. LockMart, not so much. They aren't doing a great job, no question - but that's a LOOOOOONG way from being an enemy.
Well, like the man said, not everything is about $$$. Most things are but some are about principle(not the down payment kind). There's no denying AOPA has some useful tools for pilots in one place. But with the internet, literally everything they offer to the GA pilot is available some where else for free, or a modest cost.

My backing of AOPA was for it's camraderie, and political support for a marginal group of special interest people. AOPA has just kept leaving the GA fold IMHO. Multi-million $ Jet plane, LM ads are only two examples of how I think they are failing their core constituents. We've had a big change in how pilots are treated in the last years, partly to do with terrorism. I think AOPA has done a complete disservice to use in this area. Our liberty to fly has been severly restricted with new rules going up all the time. Sometimes you need to resort to legal action to get things done.

Rather than sucking at the LM teat, I'd be sending them a summons and complaint. go along to get along works when your not bent over on your knees squeeling like a piggy.
The point behind AOPA is to be an organization that will fight to defend our ability to fly safely. They are not a magazine organization or a cheap insurance organization, but an organization that is meant to lobby for us, not against us. Getting in bed with LM is a slap in the face to GA pilots.

Amen Nick. I used to be an AOPA advocate but this can only be called what it is: Bull****.
Did you guys know that the two DUATS providers support AOPA as well? To the tune of MORE $s than LM?

It's a dirty Washington game, lobbying it is....
Yep. I finally got through and canceled my membership. Talked a nice lady named Sharon who said she'd definitely get my message to management. I hope she's right, and that's not the standard cancellation response.

She also gave back my membership dues, which I did not expect, but accepted as I don't feel that AOPA has done anything positive for GA this year at all yet.
Nick, don't rely on Sharon to get the message to management, contact Phil directly. He really does read and respond to his email! It's right there on his bio page:
oh i always love it when people start complaining about the AOPA jet. its so silly. what do you expect? The organization is a Nationwide entity and in order to do the things the members expect, such as stump in washington and give pilot town meetings in timbuktu. And then the members get mad when they buy a fast airplane to do that. You expect Phil to show up in your town in an Ercoupe or something?
oh i always love it when people start complaining about the AOPA jet. its so silly. what do you expect? The organization is a Nationwide entity and in order to do the things the members expect, such as stump in washington and give pilot town meetings in timbuktu. And then the members get mad when they buy a fast airplane to do that. You expect Phil to show up in your town in an Ercoupe or something?
Plus, I believe it's a lease directly from Cessna and part of the cost is bartered for ads in the magazine. I'm sure they're not paying anything like retail for it.
How can AOPA be against LM, but have a picture on their site from LM that says something along the lines of "We're one of you!!"
Well, that right there is where we have our differences, I reckon. I'm not so sure that AOPA has to be AGAINST LM. I would be fine if they could just get LM to get their heads out of their butts and get FSS working again. Yeah, pollyanna-ish, I know, but still, that would be enough to turn it all around, right? Again, it's not like LM is acting like the Airlines or anything!
Did you guys know that the two DUATS providers support AOPA as well? To the tune of MORE $s than LM?

And they've been providing good service for years. So what?

Lockheed is causing problems. AOPA needs to be working against LockMart right now, and instead they're jumping in bed with 'em.

oh i always love it when people start complaining about the AOPA jet. its so silly. what do you expect? The organization is a Nationwide entity and in order to do the things the members expect, such as stump in washington and give pilot town meetings in timbuktu. And then the members get mad when they buy a fast airplane to do that. You expect Phil to show up in your town in an Ercoupe or something?

Who's complaining about the jet? :dunno: I like the jet, and its tail number too. (N4GA)

Well, that right there is where we have our differences, I reckon. I'm not so sure that AOPA has to be AGAINST LM. I would be fine if they could just get LM to get their heads out of their butts and get FSS working again. Yeah, pollyanna-ish, I know, but still, that would be enough to turn it all around, right? Again, it's not like LM is acting like the Airlines or anything!

Here's why AOPA has to be against LM: LM is in this solely for profit and has not demonstrated their ability to provide the level of service they promised. They're also trying REALLY HARD to get a contract for ATC. LockMart would *love* user fees as that'll put us on the road to privatization which is what they want - Yet another government contract they can make money off of. Can you imagine what ATC would be like if you had to wait on hold for 20 minutes? Well, start imagining.

If AOPA is really against user fees and privatization, they need to dump LockMart like a bad habit.
Oh let Lockheed/Martin support AOPA. It's the least they can do. As to complaints, file them. Tell LM when service is dismal. Tell AOPA. Tell the FAA! Tell them all! Just don't let them get away with it.

This week, Bridgeport consolidates to LM's regional (?) call center. I used to think service with LM was about as good as the FAA FSS but these past months have proven me wrong. It is obvious that as long as they were running the FSS centers only, things were fine. Once consolidation started in that center, service went downhill.

Does LM have stats on dropped calls? Do they have a performance clause about calls answered versus calls dropped? Hold times? If not, the FAA didn't even follow corporate standards.

Yesterday, it was 20 minutes before a briefer came on. It was a given she didn't know the area as my target airport didn't have a ASOS and she complained there were only two of them and must have been too busy to get an update.

On a good news/bad news thing, I called AOPA for an opinion. If LM doesn't answer after 20m, what are my alternatives. They were fairly confident that a DUAT(S) briefing satisfies the requirement for weather and NOTAMS (VFR Flight,that is). They were mixed as to whether AOPA's RTFP, Golden Eagle, or other Flight Planning software would meet that requirement. Call the maker of the product for more information.

So, maybe Ken's "normal" thing with the DUATs briefing before he leaves the house satisfies the legal requirement. Augment that with the service at the FBO, XM, or other service. We need to adapt to change. Just make sure your bases are all covered.
DUAT and DUATS most definitely counts as a legal briefing. The secret is being confident that you fully understood the information presented. That was the benefit to FSS before LM took over.
Agreed. Wonder if LM will take the monetary hit up front to ultimately chase away us VFR pilots when we get tired of no answers. It sounds reasonable to me to do as a corporate descission.
I know VFR only pilots that DO NOT call FSS. With this abismal service, it only justifies it.
The only time I call FSS is if I'm without a computer which is rare.
The FSS SNAFU with LM is no big deal, just as outsourcing it in the first place was - because AIRLINES AND BIZJETS DON'T USE FSS!

What gets me is how the feds are saying that LM isn't going to get the performance bonuses. Why are they getting paid AT ALL for creating a system THAT DOESN'T WORK and compromises safety?

We can look as at AOPA talking the ads the same way as other aviation sources taking ads from airplane and pilot supply companies that they otherwsie review. We can hope there's some separation between advertising and editorial.
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DUAT and DUATS most definitely counts as a legal briefing. The secret is being confident that you fully understood the information presented. That was the benefit to FSS before LM took over.

Note that DUAT and DUATS are competitors. There are TWO sources.

And Lockheed Martin was supposed to be the single source of online briefings by now, putting them both out of business.

The only reason DUAT and DUATS are still around is because somewhere in DC a brain cell went off and it was realized that they were still needed as the only working sources for those pesky flib pilots.

That switch to make LM the single source where "inoperative" is the final answer could still get thrown any day. :no:
Note that DUAT and DUATS are competitors. There are TWO sources.

And Lockheed Martin was supposed to be the single source of online briefings by now, putting them both out of business.

The only reason DUAT and DUATS are still around is because somewhere in DC a brain cell went off and it was realized that they were still needed as the only working sources for those pesky flib pilots.

That switch to make LM the single source where "inoperative" is the final answer could still get thrown any day. :no:
When you go to Lockheed Martin's site at and click on Flight Planning, which is where I expect that they'll be putting their version of DUAT/DUATS, You get this message:
Flight Services for the 21st Century (FS21)
is Under Construction

Coming in the Summer of 2007
Well, Summer 2007 is almost officially over. Where is it?:dunno:
In this wonderful age on information why do we need FSS anyway?

What can they do for us that can't be done better some where else?

File a flight plan? why should they be the only place we can file a flight plan?

Why not allow direct input from your home computer ?

Why shouldn't a tower be capible of closing a flight plan? didn't they see you land?

I very seldome use any of the services of FSS I flight plan at serveral internet sites including AOPA, airnav, and a couple others.

And before we bad mouth L/M too bad, they took over a system that was already broke with way over age equipment, and are providing a service we don't really need while updating the equipment, training people.

It is a typical government contract, beat the dead horse when you should be burying it, and getting another.

But think about this, L/M is the Govenments largest computer contractor, they supply all the computers for IRS, DOT, DOD, and they provide the training for all the operators in all the government dept's. Now they also have a new contract for archiving all the government records, Yes the FAA's too, so you don't really have to give them your info. they'll get anyway.
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Quit b*tching about Lockmart and AOPA, and either approve my Gofly submissions, or tell me what the heck I'm doing wrong so that my submissions quit getting bounced.

I'm trying to do my part to support your goal/website, so please let me know what the heck I have to to to get my claims approved.


example - 25D


In case anyone was curious, this was the email I sent to Phil today explaining why I canceled my membership:
(blah blah blah)..AOPA has just kept leaving the GA fold IMHO. Multi-million $ Jet plane, LM ads are only two examples of how I think they are failing their core constituents... (blah blah blah)

Who's complaining about the jet? :dunno: I like the jet, and its tail number too. (N4GA)

thats all. i was just picking a small bit out of a rant
I have no problem with AOPA accepting LM advertising $$$. Why not? You can take the money, and criticize, as long as you're not beholden to them. AOPA Pilot has existed for a while, without LM funding. I see no reason why not to take the money. If they're dumb enough to give it, I for one would hope that Phil is smart enough to take it.

Has the FSS privatization program sucked eggs?Yes. Is that AOPA's fault? No. Did they call for it? Yes. Were they wrong to? No. Did you ever walk into an FSS pre-privatization? !00 people doing the work of 5. That's gov't at its tax-dollar hogging worst. Privatization ain't the problem; execution is the problem. Going with one of the very few gov't contracts behemoths was an error -- entities like LM (and Boeing) are virtually government agencies. They don't know any more about private industry than the government!!!!!!!

At the end of the day, we need SOMEONE, ANYONE to plead the case for GA. I believe AOPA, Phil Boyer, and his merry men and women do that for us. Are they 100% successful? No - but tell me what lobbying group ever is.

BTW, AdamZ and I saw N4GA at Wings yesterday, in town for the annual AOPA meeting. Sweet looking bird. If Phil had been around we'd have asked for a joyride. As it was, we were tired from a day of fulfilling one of GA's underreported benefits - flying for Angel Flight. So there you go.

Quit b*tching about Lockmart and AOPA, and either approve my Gofly submissions, or tell me what the heck I'm doing wrong so that my submissions quit getting bounced.


The claims didn't have any photos uploaded with them. Did you get my email on them?

Yes, I got the email that photos aren't uploading. I can't get Firefox to allow the upload at all, but I found that if I turn off all protection on IE, it _seemed_ to allow the photos to go. Take a look when you have a chance, I hope I didn't screw it up again.


Two of them uploaded but there was some problem with the resize. I took care of those. The third one (JMR) uploaded but it's all black. I'll reject that claim and ask you to try it one more time. Sorry for the problems. They guy who wrote the web site is an idiot. We're firing him Monday.