AOPA hosed


Management Council Member
Jul 31, 2007
Catawba, NC
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Anybody having issues with AOPA today? The forums page redirects me to the main login and even after I log in there, it dumps me back on the log in page. I seem to be logged in because it says "Hi, Roanld Natalie" at the top and if I pull down the menus I get all my personal info.

I tried clearing cookies and even switched to a different browers.
It's doing the same for me. My guess is whatever hosts the forums is down. Earlier it required me to sign back into the forums, apparently erasing the cookie that normally keeps me logged in. Might be having server issues or migrating hardware.
Thanks for posting this, I thought it was because I was on a different computer.
Same problem here. Tried it in private browsing mode too to check if it was a cookies issue, but nope, not working. Oh, the humanity!
After Basic Med, AOPA has folded their tents, struck camp, and retreated into the sunset. What else could possibly there be for them to do?
After Basic Med, AOPA has folded their tents, struck camp, and retreated into the sunset. What else could possibly there be for them to do?
Recruit more folks for their w(h)ine club?
Marketing staff must be unavailable if they can't get a lousy Down for Maintenance note up.
Marketing staff must be unavailable if they can't get a lousy Down for Maintenance note up.

In any well run Web shop the maintenance mode is scripted. Better yet, its automated.

They'd better have more structure these days than needing a Marketing person to touch a Production site. I sure hope so.

We're a tiny shop with two DBAs and two sysadmins wearing more than one role hat, including dealing with desktop support and even a few printers (ick), and even we have more discipline than that.
And here I thought they just didn't pay their electric bill. They are in Maryland. It has to be insanely high. LOL
Someone mentioned receiving a thread update email containing a link to a virus site, so I'm wondering if hacking was involved.
Someone mentioned receiving a thread update email containing a link to a virus site, so I'm wondering if hacking was involved.
AOPA is running an absolutely ancient version of the vBulletin forum software. It's so old that the vendor doesn't even offer security updates for it anymore. This board did better but dumped vBulletin as well. There's some really nasty security problems in vB.
Haven't logged in there since my membership lapsed.

I meant to let my membership lapse last year but I was on automatic renewal. I need to get in there and change it soon before it auto renews again. Thanks for the reminder.
I meant to let my membership lapse last year but I was on automatic renewal. I need to get in there and change it soon before it auto renews again. Thanks for the reminder.

Welcome. Think I'll join EAA soon. Got a hankerin' to build a Sonex Waiex some day.
Welcome. Think I'll join EAA soon. Got a hankerin' to build a Sonex Waiex some day.

Enjoy! My EAA membership lapsed years ago. I'm getting too old.
I haven't gone back to the forums since Claire left. I miss Claire.
I agree. I don't even know what AOPA person is responsible there anymore. Claire was the only person who ever even acknowledged my questions.
Now, any suggestions or complaints fall on deaf ears. The biggest issue is that the AOPA site is one great security disaster waiting to happen. They're still using vB 3.x which vB isn't even pretending to support (or issue security updates for). At least vB 4 (which POA was running prior to going to XF) they still pretend to support. All the smart guys at vB jumped ship to XF a while back (good thing POA moved). Even the vB boards that the vB parent company use got hit pretty badly with a security raid last fall.