AOPA FLYQ flight planner


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 20, 2009
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Right Seater
Ok, I give up. I tried to figure this out and I tried to figure out how to send a question to the AOPA flight planner people.

When using the AOPA FLYQ flight planner on their web site I am trying to create several different routes using the same origin and destination.
I am trying to store variations with different waypoints. But after I save the first one and then create another one it changes the first one too.

Can this be done?
Call them up. AOPA has a tech department that has helped me with this stuff before.
Call Seattle Avionics. They wrote it and will likely be the support gurus.
You probably need to change the name, just a guess
That was the first thing I tried. And the 3rd and 5th, 6th etc. It really seemed like it should have worked, but if the origin and destination are the same, any change will change the other plan with the same origin, destination. Does anyone know of an email address I can use to ask for help or to submit this problem?
That was the first thing I tried. And the 3rd and 5th, 6th etc. It really seemed like it should have worked, but if the origin and destination are the same, any change will change the other plan with the same origin, destination. Does anyone know of an email address I can use to ask for help or to submit this problem?

Have you tried the Settings, About page??


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OK here is what I did,

I loaded an old plan and drug the magenta line to create a waypoint, then typed a new name at the top of the wizard window. Then I selected the apply changes button about midway down the right side. It worked and both are now stored.
OK here is what I did,

I loaded an old plan and drug the magenta line to create a waypoint, then typed a new name at the top of the wizard window. Then I selected the apply changes button about midway down the right side. It worked and both are now stored.

I'll try that when I get home. Thanks.
I just completed 3 different flight plans for this weekends flying. 3 legs, all saved using dept-arrv airport names, no special name in the wizard. All 3 are there.

I did them in the PC web based application. Then turned on the iPad app and they were listed on the "server" and ready for download. They are now on my iPad FlyQ app.

I had an issue with the iPad app not accepting my DUATS Wx login information last spring. I had an email address for one of AOPAs FlyQ reps if I can find it again. You need it, I'll forward. Send a PM.